Weekly Validator Update - Sifchain-Chihuahua Chain- Nomic- Comdex Updates And More!


The week in validating has been an interesting one to say the least. Seemed like it was the week for updates. In this post we are going to talk about everything that went on and what we have coming for the Cosmos and Hive ecosystems! We have updates from Sifchain, Chihuahua chain, and talking about our issues with Nomic that taught us a huge lesson!

Sifchain ($ROWAN) Update

Sifchain, which is a bridge for Ethereum based assets to the IBC ecosystem. Their proposal #89 passed and has been implemented. We are happy to report that we had no issues with this update and our node is running strong!

If you are a $ROWAN token holder and believe in what we are doing here at carbonZERO, you can delegate or redelegate to use on our Restake app!

Chihuahua Chain ($HUAHUA) Update

The second major Chihuahua Chain upgrade which includes the CosmWasm update has been completed successfully! Everything went off without a hitch and our $HUAHUA validator node is running strong! You can delegate or redelegate to carbonZERO here on our Restake App!

CosmWasm brings the ability to create smart contracts on top of the Chihuahua Chain. This gives actual abilities and use case to the first memecoin in the Cosmos space! Chew on that DOGE and SHIB, can either of those tokens host smart contracts and dApps? I think not!

Reminder of Cerberus Node Shut Down

Speaking of memecoins, one is enough for carbonZERO. This is a reminder that we are shutting down our Cerberus chain validator node to use the resources elsewhere. Unfortunately, Cerberus hasn't shown the development as HUAHUA and in the bear market, is really the only node that we are running in the red. Being this is a business, we have to make hard choices sometimes. Our goal is to make a hard push into the EVMOS ecosystem!

Nomic Update

Unlike the Sifchain and Chihuahua update, our Nomic update didn't go as well. Our node ended up getting jailed, so we relaunched and was able to get our new node back into the active set within a couple of days. If you were delegating to our old node, you can now redelegate to our new node. We are currently in the 100 spot at the bottom, so we need your help getting back up to where we were before!

What happened was our backup keys appear to have been corrupted somehow when first backing them up from the original nomic node.

At the same time, we deleted the old .nomic-stakenet-2 folder (.nomic-stakenet-3 is automatically generated after running the upgrade / restarting daemon)

We then attempted to setup TMKMS (which wasn't already configured for Nomic, but was for our other nodes). But the node refused to sign / keys would not work.

We still have access to old wallet, but actual consensus keys are not working.

TMKMS is currently setup and appears to be signing / working normally.

We didn't want to risk another slashing/jailing by attempting to unjail when previous consensus keys were not signing

We were only downtime jailed, not double sign slashed, so at least that wasn't the issue.

We are incredibly sorry for the issues and learned a huge lesson so this never happens again! It's all a learning game.

We made an announcement on Twitter during the issues as a quick notification to the community.

Comdex Updates

Our friends at Comdex are constantly coming out with new news. They are getting ready to launch their V2.0 testnet which we run a testnet node for them and are ready to roll. The proposal was put out this week. It included:

-- Asset Module
-- Vault Module
-- Locker Module
-- TokenMint Module

There is also a proposal out on the Comdex forums that is discussing the raising of the fees to submit governance proposals from 100 $CMDX to 2000 $CMDX tokens due to bear market fluctuations. We will see what the final outcome of that will be.

You can delegate or redelegate your $CMDX to carbonZERO here!

New carbonZERO Community Coming Soon!

We are in the works of creating a new carbonZERO branded community on the Hive blockchain! We have a plan to create a community that is on a blockchain and immutable, that we can come and discuss all things about the Cosmos ecosystem, you can read and comment on all our posts and updates, talk about ecological issues, etc!

We are excited to get this up and running this week in hopes to begin. creating communities for the different chains we support! We have already teamed up with the @leofinance team and our friend @jk6276 to get the Comdex community on their front end, which is amazing and we will be linking to that community as well!

The first ecosystem we are looking at building a sub community for is EVMOS! They have a very broad ecosystem as they are bringing the Ethereum Virtual Machine to the Cosmos. We are hoping to maybe team up with someone like the leofinance team to help us come up with some kind if Hive to Cosmos bridge. We thing EVMOS may serve as the best option currently for that bridge due to the EVM and Metamask compatibility.

First up though will be our own eco-friendly community on the Hive blockchain! We are hoping this integration for the different Cosmos chains can help give us an edge as validators in providing value to both ecosystems!

We Are carbonZERO

carbonZERO is a full service, eco-conscious validator node operator for the Cosmos ecosystem, providing infrastructure for several blockchain in the Cosmos ecosystem. We run top of the line bare metal servers, utilizing 64GB RAM, 1TB NVMe SSDs, and 8-core / 16-thread CPUs. Our node architecture consists of frontline sentry nodes for ultimate security. Future plans for additional security & performance include implementing threshold signer nodes, as well as additional sentry and RPC nodes.

Stake your $CMDX, $ROWAN, $HUAHUA, $CRBRUS, and $NOM with carbonZERO using our Restake app! You can also visit the Staking page on Coin Logic and click the chain you want to delegate and it will take you directly to our delegation page!

Follow us on Twitter!

Follow us on LeoFinance on Hive!


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