Was I wrong for not helping her?

It is hazardous to lend people money nowadays because they may not return it and if you do not lend them the money, they will see you as a bad person, if you end up lending them the money and they default at the time they ought to pay back, they might even pick a fight with you ontop your own money, how funny that is.


One thing happened to me recently and I want my audience to judge the matter.

An old friend of mine messaged me, she told me a story of how her friend's father was sick and she needed money to treat her father and promised to pay back once the father was healthy or within a month.

So she lends her money that someone else kept in her hand without the knowledge and consent of the owner of the money, unfortunately, the other girl's father died and when the owner of the money needed her money and asked for it, my friend told the other girl and she said her father just died and she doesn't have the money to pay back that she should give her another month.

The purpose of her message to me was to borrow the 50,000 naira so she can give it to the owner then she will give it back when the other girl pays back at the end of the month. I refused to lend her though and that is because if the other girl didn't pay back, I wouldn't get my money and it doesn't make any sense to me that someone borrowed money to pay back another borrowed money.

I told her I couldn't lend her the money and that she should tell the owner the truth which was she gave the money to someone else and the person said she should wait till the end of the month, she wanted to persuade me but when she realized that is not going to change my mind, she finally said ok.


Three days later, she messaged me again and said I should lend her 200 000 naira and I said no, she asked Incase I had someone who could lend her I should introduce her to the person and I also told her I didn't and even If I have I would not dare try such a thing, now you must be thinking I am a bad person for not helping her but I have my reasons which I would be listed below.

The first stunt she pulled about lending someone money and the person refusing to pay back is number 1

I do not really believe that story, why would someone keep 50,000 naira with you and you would give it out to someone else, the story is not clear.

The second reason is that the girl is not working, where will she get the money to pay me back, even those working will find it difficult to pay back such a huge amount so being jobless is a deal breaker!

When she said I should introduce her to someone who has it, this is something I will never do, being a third party in such a thing because if she refused to pay back, I would still be involved as the person I introduced her to will tell me about it.

Was I wrong not to help her the two times she came to me for assistance?

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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