Gold Over $2700! What Is the Future For Gold?


Anyone who has read my posts knows that i believe that gold will go to the price of a pretty yellow rock.

And, i have not changed my mind, however, what happens on the way to that point?

Is gold a good investment?
Will gold save us in times of trouble?
Will gold make us extremely rich?
Should i sell everything and put it into gold?

Well, i am going to try to put the milestones that i see into words, and the reasons i see for these things to transpire.

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The longer term of gold

I feel i should start with the end, because it is depressing, if you are a gold bug.

In the not too distant future, (less than 100 years) we will learn to vibrationally mine gold out of rock.

Find yourself a pile of fools gold (only a fool would try to get the gold out of it) and pull out your Boom Box, crank it up, and watch the gold form into a puddle, as all the iron pyrite turns sorta tin colored. Gold can be pulled out of sea water. You can basically get as much of the stuff as you want.

Also, we will see the younger generation just ditching gold. To them, gold is a barbarous relic. They have no connection to when gold was money. They don't even have a time when gold was precious. All they know is overpriced gold jewellery with 1000% markup. Bitcoin is on the rise, gold is being forgotten.

Along this path to the future, we will run into several other things.

Gold will only be held by central banks. There are plans, will be more plans, for people to turn in their gold. Govern-cements run out of money, and then confiscate the "money" from the people. Like The US did in 1933. There will be gold backed dollars (just turn in your gold). There will be gold backed cryptos (just turn in your gold). There are laws in The US that say, if you have a pile of gold, you are doing things like a terrorist would, and so, can have your gold confiscated. (just turn in your gold) So, basically, all the gold gets pulled into the Rots-child family's hands.

And the Rots-child families will be hiring an army to protect them. And if they have to pay them in gold, because fiat currencies are toast, then people will start seeing that the gold in their economy is brought by the people that oppress them. Gold will be talked about as the "Devil's money".

In many ways, gold will just become not valuable to most average people.

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There is tons of gold sitting in vaults

Gold is dug up, melted into bars, and then put into concrete lined holes in the ground, never to see the light of day again.

So much gold is forgotten, or lost, just sitting in coin or bar form, just waiting to be found again.

However, the stories of all that gold being lost is often just that, a story to hide that it really went into some Rots-child vault.

Yamashita's gold in WWII. The Knight's Templar's gold in the early 1300s when they were disbanded. And then you have rumors like, all the gold found in the Grand Canyon, or locked away in the Chocolate Mountains.

All this ends up with there being far more gold hidden away in vaults than even the biggest gold proponent believes. More gold than we could use to make jewellery for a 100 years.

Gold is only valuable if it is rare. What happens when we find there is 10x, 100x more gold than we thought, in vaults?

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In the near term

Gold just made an All Time High, and looks like it will make even higher highs as China and India buy up ever more gold.

So, the COMEX price of gold will creep up and up until the COMEX is found to be too fraudulant. The street price, or the mark up on gold coins, becomes almost 2x the COMEX spot price.

There will be people, in places like California, who will be panning for gold to pay for food.

In the short term, gold is going to be VERY expensive.

AND THEN! The gold backed currencies. The revaluation games start being played again. The central banks start using it as an active reserve. We will see something like $10,000 gold.

The gold bugs will be vindicated!

But, alas, this time will be short lived. Depending on where you live in the world will determine how soon the gold window will close. Gold has become too valuable for peasants to be allowed to own it. First, the offer of useless paper for your gold. Then the offer of, if you turn it in, you won't go to prison. And lastly, we will take your life, and then find your gold.

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Be wary of gold and its price.

To get through to the future, it will be good to have some paper currency, some precious metals, and some cryptos. There will be a time during which each one of these shine. When each of these is useful.

Gold at $10,000 an ounce is very valuable. Which means it is also very valuable to thieves (govern-cement ones and independent contractors) It will almost be too valuable to use. Small coin shops will close down, because they cannot deal with that much / that level of transactions. However, there will exist places, that are basically bunker, where you can swap your gold for something, probably script for the local grocery store.

Realize, that when gold goes to $10,000 an ounce, the dollar may be long gone. The banks will be shaky. This will be in the midst of a financial crisis.

Still, a few ounces of gold will probably pay off your house and set you up for life.
Just be sure to trade them for what you want before they become too much of a liability.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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