The Central Bankers Will Own Everything, And You Won't Be Happy, Unless...

Power is a crazy drug, and for some people it can become an addition. Similar to conventional drugs, you always need more power than your last hit to feel satisfied. And without intervention, it can eventually lead to your demise.


Power addicts always need to come up with new ways to consolidate control.

For example, by taking advantage of the 2008 financial crisis and telling people that the only way out was through government bailouts, when in reality the bailouts (along with NIRP and QE) were just money created out of thin air by powerful men, who used it to takeover institutions, banks, and corporations.

Now everyone who has gone along with the unsustainable policies of ZIRP and QE are at the mercy of their masters who have been supplying them with heroin (cheap credit) over the past decade or two. If they rebel against the planned digital dollar or woke culture, their careers and livelihoods will be in jeopardy.

The banker's slogan is "You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy", but at the end of the day, somebody has to control the infrastructure, the land, the real estate, and the shared cars. And if all goes to plan, it will be the bankers, who have been slowly taking over everything with their loose monetary policies.

The bankers know that we are nearing the end of the debt-based fiat financial system, and that the can cannot be kicked down the road for much longer. They've known this for over a decade, and have been buying time as they formulate and implement a solution.

Keeping interest rates so low, for so long, was not a policy mistake. It was done intentionally, so that they could buy up as much property, businesses, and sovereign nations as possible. They wanted everybody addicted to their cheap fiat money, to the point where everyone would have to accept their CBDCs and this ridiculous woke ideology.

Covid-19 presented the perfect opportunity to drive a nail into the coffin of traditional fiat. With a rapid increase of the money supply via bailouts to businesses and individuals who were forced into lockdown, the bankers were able to make the population even more dependent on their fake money.

Of course they knew bailouts directly to the consumer would lead to price inflation, which gave them the perfect excuse to raise interest rates so rapidly over the past year, to the point where many banks are now insolvent and will require yet another bailout from their masters, leading to an even further consolidation of power.

Save Yourself

You can save yourself by refusing to accept the cheap credit, the bailouts, and the CBDCs. After all, the money they're offering to you isn't real, it's just a false promise that they are using as a tool to control you.


The Alternative

The bankers didn't expect Bitcoin. They didn't expect Ethereum. They didn't expect innovations such as decentralized exchanges, governance, and NFTs.

They didn't expect that countries, states, businesses and individuals would slowly, over time, take this new form of money so seriously.

Only now, with the adoption of Bitcoin by nation states and some major corporations, are they starting to feel that it really threatens their plan, and so they have begun trying to attack it from a variety of angles.

However, whether they realize it or not, their fight against crypto will only legitimize it and make it stronger.

Adoption Increases

Bitcoin has now become legal tender in El Salvador and Central Africa Republic, and politicians from other countries have announced their intentions to do the same.

A lot of people will say "El Salvador is just a small third world country, so who cares?" But they don't consider that an avalanche can start with a single snowflake.

It doesn't matter that so far only two small countries have adopted Bitcoin. The trend towards cryptocurrency adoption is what is most important.

The governor of South Dakota has vetoed a bill that declares CBDCs as the only form of real money. Meanwhile, Florida has proposed legislation to make CBDCs illegal in their state.

Moreover, Texas recently introduced a bill that protects Bitcoin businesses, miners, and investors:


For now it's just a small number of countries and states, but the trend towards crypto adoption vs. CBDCs will only accelerate.

This grassroots movement grows unabated, and it will inevitably succeed over the banker's plan to rule the world with top-down digital currencies.

Which side of financial history will you be on?

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Image source (Chihiro): 1
Image source (Light): 2
Texas legislation: 3

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