This Is Why I Quit Roller

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If you are unfamiliar with Rollercoin it's basically a mining simulator game in which you play these mini-games to gain mining power to mine all sorts of crypto tokens. This power is only temporary but you can buy miners or win them by participating in events and by doing many different tasks.

These miners you can then place in racks and they are ready to go - providing you with permanent mining power. Sounds great, right? Well, actually it's not.

The Rising Power

I started actively playing RC about 5-6 months ago and back then the total mining power was something like 200.000 Eh/s and today it's a whopping 483.465 Eh/s. Even though I now have a pretty decent mining power of 8.5 Ph/s, the total power is growing extremely fast and that means my share of the pie is getting smaller and smaller each day. The pie isn't growing, there are just more people eating it and I'm falling behind every day.

Unless. I play these mini-games for 3-4 hours per day and take part in a series of neverending mini-event and seasons. Basically, the game forces you to play insane amounts of games unless you want to watch your rewards drop in front of your eyes.

One other solution is of course to pay for the miners but I'm approaching this from a free-to-play point of view.

Like A Faucet

When taking my first steps on this crypto journey the first things I came across were all sorts of faucets. My first impression was, wow, free money! However, it didn't take too long until I realized that even though it was free, the amounts weren't significant and they became a kinda boring, mandatory daily routine.

Sad to say but I have that same feeling with Rollercoin these days.

So is it a faucet? Well, in my opinion, it kinda is. They have the same earning logic which is to make you watch ads while hoping you click them and this of course applies to most faucet sites also. The difference is that with RC you get to play these "fun" games while the ads are visible around the small screen.

Compared to Splinterlands, for example, which is fun and laid-back playing, RC mini-games became to feel like hard work. This I don't mind as long as the rewards are good enough which they at first seemed to be. I actually got some pretty damn powerful miners but again, it's that crazy total mining power that is rising exponentially.

Keep up or fade away.

Time Well Spent?

All this led me to think a lot about how I spend my time online. There are so many opportunities in this crypto sphere and as they say - time is money. Unfortunately, with Rollercoin time was no money.

My first earnings I invested into miners so it's quite hard to say how much I made during the first months. Two months ago I decided to focus my whole mining power on SOL with a withdrawal on my mind.

In two months my earnings were 1 SOL which really isn't that much considering the time spent playing games, doing tasks, and that sort of stuff. To be honest, I can think of so many other platforms where I can make more doing more meaningful things. Hive is the first one on that list.

So, what it comes down to is balancing time and effort. That's the thought that will be crystal clear in my head next time I decide to jump into a project arms wide open.

So Farewell To Hamster?

Of course, I am not gonna quit the game completely since my miners are still operational - I'll just become idle. I just need to go there once a week and click the recharge button so the miners keep on going. Currently, they are producing maybe a DOGE or two per day.

And who knows? Maybe the Rollercoin team will make a dramatic change in the game mechanics, an update that will make it more rewarding, fun, and less painful. The best thing would be if they'd decide to go all Web3 and turn the miners into NFTs so we would actually own them! Wishful thinking, perhaps. It can be a golden goose for them as it is.

Btw, when I was writing this the SOL transaction came through and no better time than this since everything seems to pump. To the trading stations!

Thanks for reading!


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