My weekly Update of my activities

Weekly Review

The biggest thing for me this past week is I have been struggling. Struggling to get what I want done on the blockchain what I want to do. Meaning posting on time, posting quality posts and just posting in general.

One of my goals is to never miss a day posting, at least one post a day. And I have kept to that. Today is my 1497th day on the blockchain and I have now posted at least one post for 1497 days. This coming Wednesday will be another milestone. The big 1500 days. It seems like yesterday, and not 500 days ago, that I was counting down to the 1000 milestone. Time flies.

Building and Branding

As you all know we are in a long drawn out Crypto Winter and this effects a lot of people. Some people depend on their earnings to supplement thier lives. If you are like me and you are building, hodling, for your future then it should not matter that we are in crypto winter/bear market.

You should be showing up everyday, building, and branding yourself. You ever wonder what people mean when we talking about branding yourself on Hive?

Get yourself reconized. Hopefully in a positive way. So that people interact with you, engage, vote, all that awesome stuff. This is key to success on Hive and in life.

Leo Finance

The DHF proposal is still going strong


But as you can see the level to stay funded is close. We have to keep suppoting and try and get the vote value up to 30 million. Don't want to drop out now.

I hear that the a new Zealy Campaign is going to start. If what I read is correct it will be about 13 hours from this writting.


I am overly excited for this, I just hope I find away to make time to do it justice personally.



As you can see I am in 31st place. I goal is to get into the top 20. I need a lot of help and support. I want to thank everyone supporting me. I hope I can bring in some more.

What do you need to support? You need WorkerBee tokens, they have to be staked. You need to go to Primersion and support.

This is part of my long term goals of using it to build BBH.


Yesterday was payout day, drip day, passive income day for holders of the BBH token. What ever term you want to use. I like to use drip. What ever you call it 781 Hivers got something from @bbhbot.

If you had 10 or more BBH but less than 5,000 BBH then you got some swap.hive.

If you had 5,000 or more BBH but less than 10,000 BBH then you got some Alive tokens and some swap.hive.

If you had 10,000 or more BBH then you got $LEO, Alive, and swap.hive.

How awesome is that?

Lets have a look at the top 10 token holders of BBH. Here is the Rich List so you can have a look and find yourself.


One way I try to build BBH is by trying to get people to upload a screen shot of their drips so others can see it and help motivate. It is hard. I know people have busy lives. I think I got 2 or 3 screen shots yesterday, out of 781 people. So I am going to shout out the top ten.

I perfer if you can do a thread on LeoThreads and tag @bradleyarrow and hashtag BBB why you do.

So, thanks to the follow 10 people for their continued support of BBH and their belief in my project.

@beststart, @droida, @lisamgentile1961, @dailygiveaways, @pept, @flaxz, @robertonis, @kryptodenno, @slothbuzz, and @heartbeatonhive.

If you have been reading my posts you will know that I am now mining Chia. This, when it gets to a point of income, will also be funneled into building BBH.

Saturdays is also price set day for BBH token that I release.

I like to show the last 5 weeks of price setting so you get an idea.

Date Bitcoin Hive Calulation BBH price

12 Aug 2023 | 29399 | 0.3456 | 100000000 | 0.00085
19 Aug 2023 | 25904 | 0.2904 | 100000000 | 0.00089
27 Aug 2023 | 26008 | 0.2925 | 100000000 | 0.00089
2 Sep 2023 | 25824 | 0.2675 | 100000000 | 0.00097
9 Sep 2023 | 25851 | 0.2751 | 100000000 | 0.00094

When $BTC is doing better than $HIVE then the price of BBH goes up. And when Hive is doing better than Bitcoin then the price of BBH goes down. This is because I try to keep 1 BBH equal to one Sat.

Curation Trail.

The Curation Trail that I admister has now hit 140 strong. I believe there where two new members in the last week.


Thank you both for joining. I hope you find it helpful.

I think I will wrap up this post. I do have one question. I been meaning to put this in a post but keep writting other stuff.


Can you do peer to peer payments with HBD by scanning a QR code?

Is there or is anyone working on having a TAP ability for HBD. TAP here in at least north america is you can hold you phone over payment termianl in a store and payment is processed.

Imagine if a mercent that accepted HBD could have a cell phone set up to accept HBD tap payments. No 3rd party banking machines. Just peer to peer, no having to open a browser on your phone, typing in who you are sending to.

This is the kinda of thing we need for infastructure.


Post on Hive at least once a day
Bring some joy to my wife today
Top 20 Hive-Engine Witness
Stake 1 million LEO
Stay positive and keep a good attitude
Promote Hive to someone new
Get Curation Trial to 200 people
Hit 6000 HP by end of 2023
Do 2000 strait days posting on Hive
LPUD every month in 2023
Make BBH the number 1 income token on HIve
Visit Ghana one day


Please take time to support my Hive-Engine Witness Node.
Don't forget to check out our Curation Trail
Don't forget to check out the The PIzza Plan
Have a super positive day everyone.
All roads lead to Hive.
What is Hive?


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