My back story. A road to Mr. Positive.


This one if fo you @taskmaster4450 and anyone else that is interested.

@forexbrokr brought it to my attention today that Task brought my name up on The CryptoManiacs Podcast - Episode 164.

I am ashamed to say I am not a regular listener. I need to change that. I have to make the time. What I did today at work was pretend I was listening to my Cardone University and listened to the Maniacs. And I mean the next statement is the most positive way. It was fucking like listening to Grant Cardone. The message was.

Anyone Task talked about how I use to be super negative and how I turned it around. @jongolson piped in and mentioned that life has thrown a lot of bad shit at me. Paraphrasing. Then Task said he did not know my back story.

So here is goes.

The day I was born.... lol

I will jump ahead a few years. Lol

The first 39 years of life was searching, most of the time without knowing I was searching, for something. Call it the meaning of life, happiness, what ever you like.

I did 11 years in the Canadian Armed forces, was private investigator, sold potato chips, got arrested for 'running a poker ring'. Not guilty 😉 Was as close to an alcoholic as you can be without being one. I say that because I can still have a social drink.

But in my 39th year of life I started going 'steady' with the women that is now my wife. I found what I was looking for.

By 40 we were living together and by 42 we were married.

All good. Then the shit started to hit the fan.

It is a giant learning curve being married and I believe even more when you do it latter in life.

Not long after I got injured on the job. I was off, on workers comp for 5 years. The last two years of that I got my degree in Web Design. 3.86 GPA.

You can imagine the stress of newly married and off work, home 24/7. Almost lost our house a couple times.

During my schooling shit hit the fan again. The wife was diagnosed with colon cancer.

She had surgery and went on chemo and went into remission.

Workers comp here in Newfoundland cuts you off, stops paying you, when you graduate from schooling that they paid for.

Cancer, no job.

I could not find a web developer job in my local area so the job search began.

I got a job at my current employer as a Drive Thru attendant. 47 years old and parking cars for a living.

The wife's cancer came back in her liver. She had a resection. Got 8 month in remission before it showed up in her lungs.

I hated my job. Headed for 50 years old. Love of my with cancer and what I believed to be a dead end job with shit pay.

The wife did just over 100 chemos till it did not work. Another year and a half on a biological. That stopped working. No treatment now, we know where that leads. That only happened about three months ago.

I started to work my way into the service department at work. I really enjoyed it but still hated my job.

That is the back story.

How did I change that into being Mr. Positive? I have talked about that before but quick recap.

My employer invested in Cardone University for its employees. It opened my eyes, I realized it was not everything around me that was the problem. The problem was me.

I tried Grant's ideas, methods for a positive life around the beginning of 2022.

Mr. Positive was born. Here I am.

I hope this gives you some insight Task and anyone else reading this.

You don't think you can force, and learn positivity? I will tell you and be the example you are wrong.


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Be Positive.

I am alive and Thriving.



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