Mr. Positive Quote of The Day 277 - Potential

Hello all from Newfoundland,



“If you really want to unlock your potential and blaze your own career path: believe in the power inside yourself. Take risks. Don't be intimidated by failure. You are capable of so much more than you think – and as long as you keep trying!”
― Narghiza Ergashova

Strong words from Narghiza. As I started to try and incorporate my Mr. Positive Quote of the Day with my Leo post I really have to give it some thought. It also means I am down to one post a day from this account.

That being said, I believe in the power inside myself and I believe I am going to do great things here on Hive and with Leo. Am I taking a risk? Maybe. Am I worried about failing? Not at all. If I fail, I will just pull my socks up and keep in trying.


That is the key people. Learn from your failures/mistakes. Move on, keep trying and sooner or later you will realise how capable you are. So much more than you think.

Is all my long form content going to be super long, super educational and get giant upvotes? Not likely. Like most of us, sometimes my brain just fails me. Are my posts always going to be about finance, more than likely not. But I will try to keep it something close.

I am currently typing this into Peakd but I just logged into LeoFinance and I am going to try and copy and paist it over to there. I don't want to loose another post.

It is the first day back to work after a long weekend and for some reason I did not get a good night sleep. I think it was the heat and humidity but you just have to push through and do your best.

I am Alive and Thriving



  1. Post on Hive at least once a day
  2. Bring some joy to my wife today
  3. Stake 1 million LEO
  4. Stay positive and keep a good attitude
  5. Promote Hive to someone new
  6. Get Curation Trial to 200 people
  7. Hit 6000 HP by end of 2023
  8. Do 2000 strait days posting on Hive
  9. LPUD every month in 2023
  10. Make BBH the number 1 income token on HIve
  11. Visit Ghana one day


Don't forget to check out our Curation Trail

Don't forget to check out the The PIzza Plan

Please check out CTPX

Please check out List Nerds

Have a super positive day everyone.

All roads lead to Hive.

What is Hive?


P.S. Brave did crash on me but I had the post copied to my clip board. Then I forget to login to KeyChain so when I pusblished on Leo it disapeared. Lessons learned people. I hope you learn from my mistakes..

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