Hive-Engine Witness Node

Good day everyone,


Yesterday being my four years on Hive I was reviewing what I do on Hive each and everyday. And I started to think about where I want to go for the next four years. One thing I am going to start pushing harder on is my Hive-Engine Witness Node.

Why? Because even though it is under this account. I want to use any earnings from running a node to benifit BBH. I thought about changing the node to run under the @hive-112281 account but trying to work on getting my supporters to move may not happen.

Besides trying to get my main account to Dolphin, every thing I am doing is going to be for BBH.


I learned yesterday that support for witness nodes now exspire every 180 days. You have to re-support, vote for them. I am going to show you where I am, and hopefully give you a guide on how to support me and others that run nodes.

As of today in the screen show below is where I am. I am in 21st. I breifly hit 20th yesterday and that is very important. The top 20 nodes get most of the rewards ( in BEE tokens). The witnesses below that do earn but are basicly backup.

As you can see I have a total of 28,411 in support. What that means is in total everyone that supports me have bought and staked 28,411 WORKERBEE TOKENS.

You see the red check marks on the right hand side. Those are the the witness nodes I support. Once you log into Primersion this is how you support peoples nodes.

Back to my supporters and the fact that you have to re-support every 180 days.

Now, luckly, I do screen shots of stuff I am doing so forgive me for calling out so many people at once but a lot of people do not know that their support now exspires. Here are a list of people that supported me in the past and I hope you will again.


You might have noticed that some of my supporters have a 0 (ZERO). That means that they have no WORKERBEE. And I understand that some people cannot afford to buy them. But I still love the fact that they took the time to vote for my node. It shows they care. So thanks to everyone.

You will notice in this screen shot that on the top left is my name. I believe this is where you need to log in. Once you do you will see where it shows when your votes/support exspires. And over on the right with the check marks it will show you if in red that you support a witness node. If it is white you can click on it and support. Hopefully I will be one of your 20. I think it is 20. It might be up to 30 nodes you can support now. I need to check that or someone can let me know.


Everyone that knows me here on Hive should know my dedication by now.
The fact that I have now posted every single day since I joined the blockchain. That is 1462 strait days.

I want the next 4 years to be bigger and better than the first 4 years. But we are a community here on Hive. We need to help each other. We all, or at least most of us, have started from zero. And none of us when be where we are now without the support of others.

So I hope I can show some understanding of what I am trying to do on Hive. I am trying to better myself and others. The more we help each other the more we help ourselves. And the more successful we will be on Hive and on LeoFinance.

Thanks for reading, thanks for the support now and in the future.

I am Alive and Thriving


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