Hive and the Rocky Mountains


After 3 days of struggling with a cold or flu or covid19 or all the above I am finally get a LeoFinance post out.

Hope I was missed.

I was mussing about what to write. As us daily bloggers love to repeat ourselves. And you know there is nothing wrong with that. A lot of what we have to say and the education we can give to each other and newbies is worth repeating.

I was thinking about Hive. Imagine that. Lol. Incase you did not notice, I live and breath Hive. It is always on my mind.

An analogy came to mind. A different one. I often talked about being on the tip of the iceberg when it came to Hive. But upon reflection I think comparing it to the Rocky Mountains is better.

Go back 80 to 55 million years ago when there was only flat land.

To quote from the source above:

"The Rocky Mountains formed 80 million to 55 million years ago during the Laramide orogeny, in which a number of plates began sliding underneath the North American plate. The angle of subduction was shallow, resulting in a broad belt of mountains running down western North America"

Hive started flat. Sure we came from the other Blockchain but who cares 😉

It started flat, blogging, not much else going on.

More and more people, coders, engineers maybe, people with vision started to show up. Consider them the tectonic plates. They starting pushing more into the base layer. Pushing Hive up. Forming it into what we currently have.

Is Hive the Rocky Mountains yet? Far from it. Maybe just a mo hill. There is so much being built. So much I have no idea. But Hive is slowly being built, pushed up from the bottom.

Just imagine all of us that where/are standing on the flat land. They stay on our spot as things start to get pushed up.

Up towards the sky, the stars we are headed.

I for one am extremely positive about Hives future, if you cannot tell. Lol.

So, ya, not an iceberg, a mountain range in the making.

I cannot wait for years down the road to be looking down from my peak. Looking at all that was formed. And to know i was part of it (no matter how small) and I will be smiling ear to ear with pride.

I expect communities like LeoFinance, Ctptalk, Aliveandthriving, and many more to be part of the push of the Hive Mountain range.

Hear is to everyone's future on Hive.

And while we are at it. Let us have a few battles from peak to peak with Splinterlands.

What do you think?


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