1412 Strait day posting - BBH Update

It has been awhile since I gave a Saturday update. So here it is.

Today is my 1412th strait day posting to the Blockchain. How exciting is that.


Every Saturday I swap.hive payout day to anyone holding 10 or more BBH tokens. Today I set a new record with 588 people receiving a piece of the pie. If you received some swap.hive from @bbhbot please be kind and tell the world, one way you can do that is replying here with a screen shot.

I am thinking about maybe adding Leo to the weekly payouts for BBH holders. What you think of that?

Today is also the day I set the weekly release price of BBH from myself. Hive was once again a little weaker against bitcoin. So the price of BBH jumped from 0.0009 to 0.00092. Below is the last five weeks from my spreadsheet were I do my calculations. As I try to keep 1 BBH equal to 1 Satoshi.


As you can see BBH has been going up because Hive keeps getting weaker agaist BTC. I am sure that will change as time goes on.

Curation Trail

If you don't know I run a Curation Trail. The link there is an old post that explains how to join and the benefits of joining. We are currently 129 strong. Hoping to hit 200 by the .

Hive-Engine Node

For those of you that don't know I run a Hive-Engine node.

I am always looking for support. The better the node does the better it will be for BBH. My node is currently in 32nd place. I need to be in the top 20 to be making some decent BEE.

If you show me some love by supporting my node that is awesome. To do one better you need to own WORKERBEE tokens to help boost my ranking. Here is a screen shot of my supporters.


As you can see I have 28,265 in support To break the top 20 I need to get past 58,621. So yes I need a lot more support.


I could go on and on and on about Leo. Let's just say I am super pumped and all in on Leo. I jumped my stake on LPUD day from around 2800 Leo to over 6K. Lets see how I do on the 15th July.


Sometimes I go brain dead or strange things happens. I was going to upload my Alive and Thriving graphic here but I cannot find my upload button. And I already uploaded a few graphics. HUmmmmm. lol.


  1. Post on Hive at least once a day
  2. Bring some joy to my wife today
  3. Stake 1 million LEO
  4. Stay positive and keep a good attitude
  5. Promote Hive to someone new
  6. Get Curation Trial to 200 people
  7. Hit 6000 HP by end of 2023
  8. Do 2000 strait days posting on Hive
  9. LPUD every month in 2023


Please check out CTPX

Please check out List Nerds

Don't forget to check out the The PIzza Plan

Don't forget to check out our Curation Trail

Have a super positive day everyone.

All roads lead to Hive.

What is Hive?


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