Friday Finance 3/25/2022: #Goals

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It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the Leo community.

I have to stay, it is really nice to see so much green when looking at the markets. It feels like it has been forever that we have seen consecutive days like this. Barring yet another global tragedy or well placed FUD by the powers that be, it would be pretty cool to see BTC pump over $45K by the end of the weekend. Heck, by the end of the day if we are dreaming big!

This Friday Finance post is going to be all about goals. While there is often some debate about what the target or the metric should be, I think we can all agree that goals are important. Keep reading to learn two personal goals I set for myself and how I am hoping to go about achieving another one of my goals.


After reading several posts about the changes to the HBD savings mechanics, I decided that I wanted to start putting some funds into there. I knew that I needed to hold more "stable" coins and the microscope that the government seems to have Tether under was a bit of a turnoff for me.

At the time, the interest rate of 10% added to that fact that I am so heavily invested in Hive (more time than money) made it a no brainer for me to take that route. I made the decision that I wanted to try and reach the goal of earning 1 HBD per day in interest.

As we all know, math is hard and I am a little embarrassed to say I couldn't figure out the total amount I needed to reach that goal. I jumped over to the Leo Finance Discord and in what is an absolute "duh" moment now, I was told I needed 3650 HBD to earn one per day. 365 days in a year, 10% interest, duh! Right?

Anyway, through our good fortune, the interest rate was raised to 12% and that threw all of my calculations out the window. Despite the fact that the new number to achieve was something like 3100 or 3050, I still held onto that 3650 number as the goal to attain. I'm happy to say that after collecting my rewards for my posts today, I will finally reach that goal.

My initial plan upon reaching that goal was to flip all of my rewards to 100% HP to start growing my account faster, but I think I might hold off and try to get my HBD savings to a nice round number like 4000 or 5000 before I make the switch.


I'd love to know what nice cozy rock you have been living under if you haven't at least heard of PolyCub yet. It is the hot new darling (for good reason) of the Polygon DeFi space brought to us by our very own Leo Finance team.

I have been investing in the platform since day 1 and although I had a few missteps at first, I am slowly gaining on my goal of having a certain number of xpolycub staked. I'm sure if you wanted to dig deep enough, you could find what that number is, but for the sake of privacy, I am going to omit it. Just know that it isn't nearly as big as some other people have, but still a decent enough amount that I am proud of my goal.

I am about 38 xpolycub away from my goal, but given the fact that the ratio of polycub to xpolycub keeps growing larger and larger and we see the emission rate drop (to I think 1) this weekend, it is going to be a longer road than you might think to get those final 38 tokens.

Ultimately, it is going to pay off, of that I am sure!

List Nerds

Finally, speaking of that nice cozy rock that you were living under, I have to believe that even if you peaked out for a second, you have seen at least one post about List Nerds. It would appear that the CTP group has done a really great job of mastering the email marketing space. It kind of makes sense since marketing is basically at the heart of what they do (I think anyway).

I messed around with the free version of List Nerds for a while and finally the other day I realized how big of a mistake that was. As good as the free version is, it is kind of like using the platform with one hand tied behind your back. If you can afford it, making the upgrade to at least one of the paid tiers is well worth it. I have seen posts lately about people making quite a good sum of money by using the paid tiers to market their Hive content.

In case you hadn't guessed, List Nerds is hopefully going to be my vehicle to achieve the third goal on my list. I really want to build up my Hive account some more. Actually, not just my Hive account, but my holdings on Hive, Leo, and the various CUB platforms as a whole. While blogging is one method to do that, I feel that List Nerds can help me accelerate that process.

Of course, I am losing some Hive by paying for the premium service each month, but you have to spend money to make money right?

I am hoping that not only will List Nerds help me boost my earnings, but it will also give me extra funds that I can move into Hive. Right now one LISTNERDS token is worth two Hive, so you can see how earning more LISTNERDS could be a good way of growing your HIVE stack.

Wish me luck!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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