🛒 Walmart delivers, since decades!

Giant returns

Walmart reportes their quarterly earnings yesterday and the numbers were better than Wall Street expected: Revenue of 169 billion dollars with Same-Store-Sales-Growth of +4,2% and E-commerce growth on their home market of +22% YoY. This shows both the strength of the company and that the US consumer likes shopping there.

If we have a look at the chart we also see a clear trend: upwards. The stock is up +200% over the last decade which equals a return of +11,6% each year on average. In addition the company is paying a dividend which is increasing every year. These are the stocks that longterm investors seek and search.

I am not invested (yet) but Walmart is definitely on my watchlist. I recommended it to my brother though, several years ago, and he is very happy with his returns.

Are you invested here already or have it on your watchlist?

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