Hive SaturdaySavers Club: Progress Update

Hello, Hive Saturday Savers Club!

It’s that time of the week again—time to check in on our progress and set our sights on new goals. Let’s break down the numbers and see how we’re doing.

2024 Goals:

  • Hive Power (HP) Goal: 7500
  • HBD Savings Goal: 1500

Current Status (As of 08/06/2024):

  • Hive Power (HP):
  • Total HP: 5600
  • Delegated HP: 3083
  • To Go: 1900
  • Liquid Hive: 266
  • HBD (Saved): 1023
  • To Go: 477

Weekly Progress:

Over the past week, I’ve seen a noticeable jump in my Hive Power, moving from 5532 to 5600. It’s been a week of hard work and consistent posting, which has paid off. My delegated HP has also slightly increased, showing my continued support for the community, not even close to thinking about de-delegating!

However, my Liquid Hive has dipped a bit, because I’ve been buying some layer 2 coins, Legion, eds-d, Archonm and Drip, as i had read some good things about those. The HBD savings have seen a small increase from 1013 to 1023, moving me a step closer to my goal of 1500.


  • Content Creation: This week’s progress was driven largely by my posts. Every piece of content matters, so I’ll continue to focus on creating engaging and valuable posts.
  • Curation Rewards: As always, curation rewards are a slow burn. But patience is key, and I’m optimistic that my curation efforts will start to pay off more significantly soon.

The Road Ahead:

With just 1900 HP and 477 HBD to go, I’m motivated to keep pushing forward. The journey might be slow, but every little bit helps. I’ll keep posting, engaging with the community, and looking for ways to maximize my rewards.

Back in my day, saving up meant breaking a piggy bank, but now it’s all about strategic posts and curation. Let’s keep this momentum going and reach those goals together!

Stay tuned for more updates next week, and keep saving!


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