Hive Saturday Savers Club: 2024 Goals and Weekly Progress Update

Hello, Hive Saturday Savers Club!

As we step into a new month, it’s time to set the stage for 2024 and share some exciting updates on my journey towards achieving my Hive goals. Spoiler alert: it’s been a week of small victories and some lagging rewards. Let’s dive in!

2024 Goals:

  1. Hive Power (HP) Goal: 7500
  2. HBD Savings Goal: 1500

Current Status:

  • Hive Power (HP):

    • Total HP: 5532
    • Delegated HP: 3081
  • To Go: 1987

  • Liquid Hive: 295

  • HBD (Saved): 1013

  • To Go: 491

Weekly Progress:

In the past week, I’ve managed to inch a bit closer to my goals, mostly thanks to my posts. Each piece of content I shared brought me a little closer to that magical 7500 HP mark. It’s been satisfying to see the direct impact of my hard work on my progress.

However, my curation rewards have been lagging behind. It’s a bit like watching paint dry—necessary, but oh-so-slow. It seems my curated content isn’t bringing in the rewards as quickly as I’d like. But hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day, right?

The Road Ahead:

Despite the slower pace of curation rewards, I’m optimistic about the journey ahead. I plan to continue posting regularly, engaging with the community, and looking for ways to maximize my curation efforts. If anyone has tips on speeding up those curation rewards, feel free to share—I’m all ears!

In the spirit of the Saturday Savers Club, let’s keep pushing towards our goals. Remember, every little bit counts, and together we can achieve great things. Keep saving, keep posting, and keep curating.

Back in my day, we didn’t have Hive to help us save, but I’m glad we do now. Onwards and upwards!

Happy saving, everyone!

Just saying… if I can do it, so can you!

Catch you next week with more updates!


*Images are screenshot and AI generated using my own prompts.

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