Valueplan the Numbers Part II. YTD Payout figures.


I posted yesterday part I of Valueplan the Numbers for August where I delve into the payouts during the month of August. If you have not read it then the link is below along with the months preceding August.

Valueplan the Numbers July & YTD

Valueplan the Numbers June & YTD

Valueplan the Numbers May & YTD

How much is the Rally Car Costing YTD Valueplan the Numbers Jan - April Part I

Valueplan the Numbers part II: Payouts per user ranked from January 2024 - April 30th 2024

Valueplan the Numbers part III : Recipient Account Values

Valueplan the Numbers August & YTD Part I


Augusts payouts was much larger than previous months with a total of 196,088.00 Hive paid out and 116,654.91 HBD paid out. If we round the Hive equivalent up to the monthly average Hive price and add the HBD at peg we come to a monthly outlay of $152,441.01 gave out in August for marketing. Now 141,243.00 Hive of this is for the upcoming Hivefest so this is the reason why Valueplan have much more paid out this month.

Year To Date YTD

RankedUserProjectPayout HivePayout HBDTotal $ YTD
1.@ssekuljiRally Car585,102.5718,126.89$195,426.69
2.@lordbutterflyHivefest, Vibes, Videography141,243.0043,222.00$68,998.85
4.@swc-oficialGYM Street Workout077,346.00$77,346.00
6.@arlettemsalaseMultiple Conferences050,100.76$50,100.76
7.@mcsammCommunity Wells Project048,488.00$48,488.00
8.@cryptosimplifySports team Sponsorship045,705.80$45,705.80
9.@sucrewalletHive Sucre044,588.00$44,588.00
10.@wooconventionsWoo Wrestling024,180.60$24,180.60
11.@hivestudentshubHive Student Hub023,074.85$23,074.85
12.@qmwalletCommunity Wells Project020,835.00$20,835.00
14.@victorwalletBike Racing & SWC crew020,087.00$20,087.00

We will now look at the YTD payouts per user. In total there are 61 accounts that received funding from Valueplan in 2024 ranging from the highest @ssekulji for the rally car to the lowest payout YTD to @zonahive for $140 to buy pizzas for BTC pizza day. Totals YTD spent in total are 1,013,743.05 Hive and 686,957.64 HBD.

The rally car has amounted to 585,102.57 Hive and 18,126.89 HBD Year to Date. When we put a USD figure on it he is just coming in at $195,4429.69. Just under the 200K in 8 months. It is all great and looks nice but it is a massive amount of funding for one project. The funding is 19.56% of the total Valueplan payouts without taking into account extra funding such as videography and photos etc.
The chart above shows all payouts over the $20,000 Year to Date. After the rally car we see two of the project managers top of the list for various Hive related activities. In 4th place we have the Gym Street Workout who have been funded $77,346.00 YTD. Creeping up into 5th place we have @blackheart1 getting enormous funding for his hackathons and investor meetings. I would love to see an update into all the cool things that he is doing.

Merch Merch Merch

In 6st place we have our serial conference attendee @arlettemsalase who we are paying $50,000 to so far this year to attend and manage multiple conferences. Since my post in July over lack of media surround the event , it is good to see she is posting up some content in the last month. Blockchain Rio was a success I am told by a number of people and after my post complaining about lack of social media regarding the event there were numerous posts put up about Blockchain Rio. My first thoughts were that the Hive Merch was particularly weak. They must have been on a budget. No pens or caps at this one. What they did have were these Hive Stickers and wristbands. After studying multiple photos of the Hive stall I had to ask the question to one of the attendees who confirmed to me this was the merch.

Screenshot 2024-09-06 154931.jpg



So my question is how come Valueplan or us as a community spent 6874.00 HBD for this event for stickers and wristbands. Surely they only came to a couple of hundred HBD at the most, no?? Surely a few stickers only cost a few pence. My question to @arlettemsalase is what did she do with the rest of the 6874.00 HBD spent on Hive merch for the Blockchain Rio? I will ask the project managers what kind of receipt or invoices they received for this merch. Did they receive a receipt for tshirts, pens and caps. Sometimes I wonder if the lack of posting around these events are on purpose!

Screenshot 2024-09-06 155223.jpg

I await your reply @arlettemsalase. You have been shy so far in my questioning. Surely there is a valid reason for this and it can be all sorted out.

A Call for Caps on Funding per User.

Valueplan is essentially a marketing budget run by amateurs and the funds go to amateurs.
Now this is not to make fun of anyone. We mostly all have day jobs. With the exception of the rally car where we look like we have a professional driver and wing man at the helm, we are essentially giving all of Hives marketing funding to people who have no marketing experience whatsoever. In fairness to the project managers , they cannot be down in South America to make sure every penny is spent properly. They give the funding in good faith and hope that the funds are used where they are meant to. Well that is what I hope anyway. Now with traditional business and politics, there is misuse of funds but in crypto it is like the wild west so obviously there will be more of an element of misusing funds. Now I would be all for handing the Hive marketing over to the marketing professionals and leave the project managers manage receiving the metrics from one of the big 5 marketing companies in the world. It would save them a headache so I am not sure why they are so adamant not to do it. Year to date we are spending around $1 million which is more than enough to make us major clients for a renowned marketing company. The highly reputable ones cannot afford to have a bad image so they work hard to promote their clients. Competitions , Tiktok campaigns, Strategic product placement such as billboards and working in the web3 space for onboarding would be some of the ways these companies could work for us. The metrics they give back are top class. But for some reason Hive does not want to go this way. They said they tried it. I don't know if they went to the top marketing companies. So we are the way we are but I do not think that Hive want to put all their eggs in one basket. Spending 20% of our total outlay on the rally car is not spreading your risk. If the rally car is not bring us a decent ROI then we are goosed. But on saying that when I look down the list I do not see any projects that excite me on a marketing level which is why I am calling for a cap on funding for users outside the project team. There is just too much room for misuse of funds that are important for our blockchain and we are spending money like we are in peak bull run territory. The most amount of money that Valueplan should be capped at is 10,000k per user. I think the user that gets funded should have some kind of stake in Hive as well. We are giving money to people with less than $100 in their total account value. If you want funding then show some commitment to Hive. If Hive goes belly up and tanks then these people have nothing to lose. Laptop closed. Oh well, it was good while it lasted. The Hive middle class have built up their HP over the years and who post regularly, the @tarazkp's , @bozz & @cryptoandcoffee's of the world , and other users some of who do not even know that Valueplan exists wonder why the Hive price is tanking who have a considerable amount of HP and skin in the game will be the ones who suffer. I am not sure how the upper class are not taking more of an interest in this actually. It's all very strange.
I powered down recently such was my shock on the amount of spending that I felt 0.45 cent was the highest that Hive could get to. In hindsight I was right to do so. I will do what I always do and post regularly and just let the HP build up again but I was eager not to get burnt and have something to show for the last 4 years of posting. Valueplan has made me want to power down, not power up and a couple of years ago I would have been totally against that. It's extremely demotivating to see some of these numbers heading straight to FIAT. Hive surely can't keep going like this or can we??

Septembers Valueplan figures next month again guys. I hope you found the info helpful.

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