Train yourself to rely less on testimonials; They can be bought, fabricated, and cooked up


In the business and finance world, in as much as there are advantages, you need to understand that there are some disadvantages as well. I made a public earlier Here explaining the advantages of Testimonials and how they can help you grow great but in today's publication, I will be telling you the other side of it that you might not want to hear (The disadvantage). Begin to train yourself to rely less on testimonials; they can be bought, fabricated, and cooked up. Bhet. I saw someone in a video saying it worked for him, that can be a lie which you must know or be able to spot them out.

What if that person is his business partner? What if the person is his brother or friend? Oops. Oh, I saw in the comment section, everyone saying he's the savior. What if they are on a different journey from you? Perhaps, you already know how to create a Facebook page, but none of them knows how to, so they sing praises in the comment section, claiming it works because they can now create pages? In the past, we embraced the idea that 10,000 Frenchmen cannot be wrong. But we didn't stop to ask, what if the 10,000 Frenchmen are lunatics? What if they are all blind? Ask smart questions always.

Train yourself to identify cues. Observe their body language, their words, and how they censor words to appear Almighty. Train yourself to understand how that world works so that when you hear "I made xxxx doing xxx," you can easily connect the dots, separate the corn from the chaff.Amen! Train yourself to distinguish between possibility and probability. Of course, everybody can make xxxx in xxx days. Everybody can make xxxx by simply doing xxx. That's possible. But what's the probability that everybody can? What's the percentage of everybody in the past who actually achieved it?

If 10 have done it, how many succeeded; one, two, or three? If two succeeded, what's the chance that everybody can? What's the chance that you can succeed? Oh, success is your portion in xxxx name? Oh, your GO saw it that this year is your year? We all have heard and we all can remember the saying: If wishes were horses, beggars would ride on them - Roud Folk (Nursery rhyme)

Anyway, I want you to be wiser this year; else, you'll constantly be separated from your money. Maybe sometimes in the future I'll do a video showing you to to know IF screenshots evidence are fake, if the video Testimonials are made up. Just maybe. Until that 'perhapsing' phase comes, I want you to hold this dear to your heart. They are not playing. They're coming with full force to separate you from your money to build their castle. Please my dear hive family, be careful always and happy new year to y'all.

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