With all these DEX coming out on different chains and the availability of a bridge, you can sometimes spot great Arbitrage opportunities here and there.
Here was one example.
Take a look here ! 1 PSWAP on polkaswap.io is at 46 cents and when you get into uniswap.
The price of PSWAP is 31 cents !!! You literally make about 15 cents if you are able to move from Polkaswap to Uniswap. With the HASHI bridge built into polkaswap you can do it pretty much seamlessly.
Only thing is to take into account the transaction fee and make sure you swap in larger quantities to make a decent amount of profits.
There are many opportunities like these especially when price moves fast, however spotting them manually may be difficult however if you google it .. there are several tools available to spot these opportunities. SO ! Google IT !
Hope you guys are making a killing during the bull runs ! Cheers and have a great day