What's Really Going On With The SEC, ETFs and Crypto

In this article I want to go over a bit of the history of what's been going on with the crypto industry and start to explore deeper into major companies like blackrock, fidelity and those larger cap markets to really take a look at what might be going on.

In short I can tell you crypto is not here to die it's going to thrive for many, many more years to come.

Of course I always need to throw in this disclaimer *This article is for entertainment purposes only and is not financial advice. Do your own research before investing and understand the risks.

The Attacks

What's really wild is when crypto went through many bull runs governments tried to ban it and outlaw it in any number of ways. By saying the token couldn't be traded or that mining wasn't allowed in their country.

But then what we got was ok crypto is allowed and we started to open up a big bull market especially during Covid lockdowns where the entire industry just exploded.

We also got approvals for Coinbase to become a publicly traded company. For ETFs for bitcoin to be approved and that mining is allowed in fact it's now mainly operated by large companies that are also traded on the stock market.

But for some really odd reason we constantly see the SEC attacking these same places in which they approved they where ok and could be a publicly traded company. So what's really going on here?

It's Not A Conspiracy Theory If It's True

If you look back at the track record for the USA or any country you see a lot of manipulation and things that go on in the background that the general public doesn't see or didn't see until after the fact many many years later.

Well now that a lot of actions are public knowledge a lot of that understand comes to the front and people can start putting parts of it together.

We had really odd things like the SEC approving FTX and Coinbase stocks and then two or three years later attack them and sue them for various reasons. It wasn't until after the elections that FTX was found to have sponsored millions of dollars into the election system and coinbase got the green light from the SEC only for them to now try and back track and sue even though all of the things where currently already running on Coinbase.

What we have here is the government messing around with things as they are trying their hardest to control the money issue now that it has multiple currencies that are starting to threaten it.

This has caused pressure from the government on to the SEC to try everything they can to slow down progression of Bitcoin and ETFs in order for them to gain a grasp on it. More and more people want crypto over the USD and that's starting to say a lot. This mainly comes from massive inflation, overspending by the government and an overall sense that the USA is in trouble with it's massive amounts of debt that they clearly don't seem to care to ever correct.

The Money System

It's clear that crypto isn't going anywhere and the governments are simply pulling their age old tricks which if you just headline read like a vast majority of people do it creates a sense of untrust in crypto.

However on the flip side of that while all of this is going on you have more adoption, record high prices that have been sticking for a long while now just waiting for another breakout, the SEC attacking already established companies that they approved to be listed on the stock market and ETFs launching from Blackrock and Fidelity it really should make you question what the agenda is in the background and research into it all.

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