Leo 2021 Is A Smart Buy

Out of all the communities built on the hive block chain LEO is the only one that I know of that continues to build assets and scalability. They made big moves here towards the end of 2020 which has made the token more valuable than hive itself by nearly double! Now that's saying a lot.

To me 2021 is going to be a major investment area for me to drastically scale up my passive income and to me LEO seems like a very smart move to focus a good about of that investment into.

Blue and Orange Property Investments Corflute Sign.png

Why do I think this?

LEO has already announced they will be releasing some type of new platform and with that new platform will be an airdrop for it. That means the more LEO you hold when that snapshot takes place the more stake you will have in the release of the new platform. This allows you to scale quickly in the new release and also hold value within it.

We don't know the full details of this project yet but it is believed to be some type of micro blogging system.

There have also been talks of releasing a number of new platforms around LEO in 2021 as they scale up operations. That most likely will mean the possibility of more air drops and more opportunity for you!


LEO seems to have a robust line up of hard working and dedicated people to the project. Launching round tables to keep up informed and updates to keep us up to date as to what is going on. Huge positives that we all hopped for from Steemit for so long but never got. This in itself has built a lot of trust for me and is another reason why I am now vesting more into the project.


Powering up all LEO

Over the next month or two every single earned LEO will be powered up/staked and also more miners will be bought. It's time to put in the groundwork for a successful 2021!

How much LEO do you currently have and what are you goals for it in 2021?

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