InLEO Web3 Social Built on Hive Blockchain

Everyone wishes they could earn revenue from social media like x (twitter), Facebook, Linkedin, tiktok etc but the barrier to entry on those platforms is often massive for the every day person.

For example on Youtube you need 4,000 watch hours on your long form videos in a year or 5 million views on your youtube videos in three months in order to get monitized. That means for the often thousands if not million of smaller accounts Youtube is keeping all of the money while you struggle to grow your audience.

X (which I still hate calling it) aka Twitter is not much different and has a minimum of 5 million impressions within 3 months to get monetized. What this has caused is a bunch of junk accounts sending out viral videos which are total trash and not even theirs to get posted or posted on totally unrelated content. This is farming for impressions and is only getting worse to try and generate some revenue from twitter.

But what if there was a web3 solution with crypto. No transaction fees and offered you all of those same things those web2 social media platforms provided you and more!

The Web 3 Solution Is Better

Well that would be the case of a layer two token solution for the Hive blockchain that runs on the Hive blockchain that offers up X(twitter) and articles (aka a blog) as a way to not only earn real revenue in the web3 space but has many other features to it. Let's take a moment and dive into each of the ways to start earning crypto with InLeo.

Your Life Has Value

You might not know it but everyone has skills and unique skills they are good at. Be it someone great with gardening or someone that does SEO there are so many possibilities and it really comes down to what you enjoy doing yourself.

Writing about what you enjoy people will find value in that and you'll start to build your own little community which could become massive over time. All the while you'll be earning from that content you produce.

This is earned from others voting on your content be it articles or threads. If you'd like a little help and hand holding about how to do all of that I have a 2 week email series that will take you from writing your first post to building your crypto wealth here The Wealth System Crypto Earnings with InLeo

Various Content Matters

The really cool thing about Hive and Leo now is that it's not a once size fits all solution anymore. It's ballooned into a blockchain that really has every social aspect you could want.

For threads, twitter(x) and articles/blog I would recommend the front end InLeo

For video I would recommend 3Speak

For live streaming I would recommend VIMM


DeFi is becoming a rather large aspect of hive lately and for good reason. This provides liquidity and the ability to trade tokens all over on hive at first but now also with layer 1 solutions like $BTC and $ETH heck even PEPE!

On hive itself one of the pools I've been adding funds to is SWAP.HIVE:LEO any time this pool is used to swap you'll earn a small fee from it. It's also I'm almost 100% sure connected to

LeoDex is the platform that allows you to swap LEO or Hive along with some other hive tokens like DEC and SPS from Splinterlands

This unique platforms allows you two swap in and out of other cryptos like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Pepe, Cacao, Rune, USDC, ARB, GLD and many others.

The swapping of these tokens also helps to provide liquidity providers to earn revenue but also some of those fees are also used to help the LEO token price which is another huge benefit.


Just like Twitter (x) and really every web2 application now there's a low cost premium feature for InLeo that I would highly recommend. The premium features loads you up with tons of extra add ons and also helps to stimulate the LEO token price which if you're interacting on InLeo you most likely are going to own some of those tokens yourself.

It's Only The Start

For me this is only the start of what the Hive blockchain really should be. Web3 social blockchain and gaming solutions on a feeless blockchain that's fast, reliable and offers massive benefits across the board.

Join today and see what it has to offer you! Again if you need a little more hand holding with wallet setups, understanding how payouts work etc I highlight all of this in my 2 week email training you can subscribe to here InLeo Training

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