Crypto, Blockchain and AI

With lots of talk going on with AI still and the rapid advancement in terms of robotics and AI one has to step back and question how AI will impact cryptocurrency and the blockchain.

The Finance World

Already we are seeing AI algos try to predict and trade regular stock markets. There's even been some talk about it on the crypto front as well. However I suspect that it's not big on the crypto side of things because of the smaller market cap and other issues that present themselves unlike the stock market for this type of AI algo.

Other aspects of AI in the finance world could be marketing and inventory which are also large areas of focused for AI and AI robotics. Many warehouse workers will be out of jobs and instead replaced with people that can manage and code the robotics in the warehouse actully leveling up the quality of work which is something many people often don't understand.

The AI Systems

A lot of focus has been turned to what is known as large language models. You would have interacted with these if you used a platform such as ChatGPT for example.

Outside of that you have your robotics which is more like real world and doesn't involve directly with finances etc. It's pretty much two different worlds in terms of capabilities and what they are doing.

Crypto AI

Right now AI is more of a buzz word being thrown around in the DeFi and crypto space with really no substance behind it. Many of these projects are startups with no real product or simply rug pulls and scams which is always the case with a vast majority of crypto projects.

What we could see soon however is legitimate companies with some trust behind them launching their own AI systems. That also doesn't mean that all startups are a scam. I'm sure there will be one or two bright examples of solid teams looking to build on the blockchain with AI.

If you take a look at business in general. AI isn't overtaking jobs but instead just elevating jobs. It's allowing for rapid growth and advancement which is much like we saw during the industrial revolution. Just like with the industrial revolution where machines entered the battlefield for the first time we are now seeing AI enter the battlefield. As sad as it is to say war, global war like we are seeing right now is always the catalyst for rapid advancement and AI in currently on the forefront of this. Yes, a great deal of bad comes with each advancement but a lot of good also comes from it.

AI Crypto Three Stages

AI in crypto at the moment can be looked at in three core stages.

The first being NPC in which an AI npc is interacted with in the game. We are seeing this the most with a cool plugin for a non crypto game called Skyrim in which large language models are being used for NPC which gives the game so much more depth it honestly feels like your living in the game.

From there you move into stage two which is interacting UX/UI design in which AI is now interacting with the user almost as a tool tip to help navigate the user around and interact with the system.

Expanding further is AI that is used for rule sets. The AI is now taking data from the input of users and what it was given so far to create rules and uphold those rules. This gives AI power over the system in which no one really controls and is what many fear. What if AI goes wild and destroys the system, manipulates it or tries to take it over.

Being that AI originated from humans and the human mind it's very likely that AI will adapt the bad habits of humans such as greed, self preservation etc It's very real that AI wouldn't be "wake" or "self aware" and simply is acting out what it seems from humans and predicts that that's the thing to do as that's the core input it has to go off of.

The main issue AI and crypto has at the moment and why we most likely haven't seen more of it or large scale usage of it is that blockchain and crypto in open source. Meaning anyone can input, manipulate and do harm with AI while everyone has access to it. It's clear from what we are seeing so far from outside of the blockchain world that AI is mainly used for what I would consider "evil" things but with how humans are there's sadly no way around it. War, porn, destroying peoples lives through fake images, videos, hacking etc. are all things that are happening and will continue to happen. It simply takes one bad egg to destroy something good and you know it's going to happen.

Do you see AI playing a pivotal part in crypto and blockchain in the next 5 years?

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