Cyberconnect (CYBER): Coinlist Crowdsale

Cyberconnect (CYBER): Coinlist Crowdsale.png

Well, this has been a long time coming. It has been quite long long time since the last CoinList crowdsale. I've always enjoyed these ones, they have generally proved to be a pretty decent chance for retail investors to get some pre-launch action... the sort of thing that is usually reserved for VCs and insiders. Of course, you still pay a bit of a higher price than the early investors... but it is the best that you can do before the Token Generation Events.

I was sort of hoping that we would get access to the SUI token launch... but sadly, that is a missed boat. So, Cyberconnect it is.... and it is likely to be a bit of a contentious one with this audience! A bold claim, Web3's earliest and biggest decentralised social network! Eeeep... duck for cover!

Cyberconnect (CYBER): Coinlist Crowdsale.png

So, just looking at the various projects that harness the Cyberconnect infrastructure, well, it is cross chain and quite numerous. I had thought that Ethereum based Lens Protocol would have been the one to try and claim this title... but again, cross chain does manke for quite a few more dApps that can draw upon the infrastructure. Sadly, I only know about Galxe... and only be because that was a previous CoinList crowdsale, one that provides NFTs for blockchain "achievements", thus allowing projects to identify and tag potentially useful behaviour that they might want to reward!

Cyberconnect (CYBER): Coinlist Crowdsale.png

So, with that in mind... multiple dApps across multiple chains, these metrics make more sense. I know that on Ethereum and its associated Layer 2s, Galxe is quite often used to give users badges for support and achievements.

Cyberconnect (CYBER): Coinlist Crowdsale.png

The time 1700 UTC is pretty damn poop for us on the other side of the world... it would have been a much friendlier time in the Netherlands. So, this is going to be a middle of the night session... sleeping in a different room, with an alarm and then waiting to see if I can snag myself a purchase spot. The price per token is pretty high at 1.80 USD per CYBER... but as we all know, that is just unit bias at work. For the complete supply, a price at 1.80 USD is looking at 180 million USD market cap... which, if this protocol does become the backbone of a much used decentralised social network... well, it should be worth quite a bit more than that!

Only a single round this time... normally there are two rounds. Apart from that, the usual limits and rules apply. Queue system... with a priority queue for high Karma and previous users of the Cyberconnect protocol. This is also the first crowdsale that uses the Wallet-link programme that was introduced earlier this year. This allows CoinList users to sign a message proving ownership of wallets, which allow crowdsales to target good blockchain behaviour like long-term holders and stakers, governance participants, and other NFTs related "achievements" that are handed out to communities.

Cyberconnect (CYBER): Coinlist Crowdsale.png

So, what is CYBER good for? Governance... yep, that is pretty standard. But at least they are laying out the actual things that are up for a vote... Hopefully, after that Arbitrum fiasco, the developer team here will be more careful about how they treat the community and the pretense of decentralisation.

Otherwise, it is used as an ecosystem currency for on-chain actions and other things Cyberconnect related. With a cross chain infrastructure, this does make more sense than having a token that is used for these things in a single-chain ecosystem. It appears that CYBER will be used as the unit of exchange that binds the ecosystem across the various EVM chains that it is deploying to. And there is mention of a smart-contract wallet, which is a definite must have for a decentralised social network... private keys and all of that terrible UI is not going to go down well with a social network for the masses!

Cyberconnect (CYBER): Coinlist Crowdsale.png

So, the CoinList crowdsale round is pretty sall in comparison some to some of the earlier rounds. However, it does have a 25 percent unlock on at Token Generation and a smaller time frame for the vesting schedule. Of course, that is offset by the undoubtably higher price that we would be purchasing at...

Cyberconnect (CYBER): Coinlist Crowdsale.png

... and more of the Cyberconnect ecosystem... and more of the same unknown stuff. So, I think that this is going to go head to head with the growing "Sign in with Ethereum" project, except that this does have more of a gaming and social focus. I'm not really sure if this will definitely be the one that eventually takes off to fulfil the need for a decentralised social identity, however, it will be an interesting one to keep an eye on.

I will be waking myself up in the middle of the night to try and land myself a purchase spot... there will be up to 10,000 early users and contributers that will have access to the Priority Queue, and I don't think that I qualify that as I've only ever used Galxe. So, I will have to hope that my CoinList Karma will be enough to get me in!

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