Watch out for scammers


I don't know how these scammers find me on discord, but every now and then, I receive these weird messages from random accounts that are obviously up to no good.

answer from @erikah: You have your Discord handle listed in every single post of yours and not only. Bots are working
Fair point but I'm betting it is bots and not people because every scammer that reads my posts will know that I'm bad market by now

The idiots behind these schemes are getting craftier by the day and would use just about any means to nab unsuspecting suckers into their schemes.


A combination of my experiences in life and my time around the crypto space has given me a third eye for all these types of things. I've developed the ability to sniff out these things from a mile away, and I figured I'd share two essential tips that could save you or someone you know from being a victim.

Don't be greedy

Amongst all the reasons people get scammed for, greed tops the list. I remember the Twitter hack event last year that led to so many people losing their bitcoin. I mean, how stupid can you be to actually believe that every top figure in the world will ask you to send bitcoin to an address for some doubling or some shit.

Don't be curious

Listen, I know the scheme looks nice and all but whatever you do, don't even bother. Go with your gut from the onset and don't convince yourself to click on any link or even reply to the message.

Stay Frosty

In my experience, these two are probably the top reasons why people give away their money for some of these ridiculous schemes.

There's been a lot of positive movement in the market lately, and Bitcoin has been hitting the news more often. The scammers are also paying attention and will most likely try to capitalise on the situation.

In whatever you do, stay vigilant, don't get curious, ignore messages and know that if you see something that seems too good to be true, then it probably is too good to be true.

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