Vitalik Butterin pumped my bag


Early last year, I caught wind of a privacy token called Rail from the Railgun project. The Railgun project was launched to enable people to privately interact with Web 3.

Conversations about privacy and crypto often raise eyebrows because people often associate it with nefarious intents.

Sadly, this misconception about privacy has seeped into the mainstream's perception of privacy coin but the reality is, everyone needs privacy. Not only is it important for your own safety but with so much public access to everyone's wallet, it seems necessary to have some level of privacy.

So, I bought into the project and even made some posts about it. One of my favourite was published on Youtube about a year ago.

Around March of 2023, Rail token was trading somewhere in the $1 range and was showing bearish signs. Along with virtually the entire market, the token was stuck in the wilderness, trading at bearish prices and there weren't signs of resurgence.

Despite the state of the market, the actual project continued to evolve and the crypto romantic in me kept tabs. This wasn't some random shitcoin or meme project that lives and dies on hype, this was an actual product with a utility that genuinely speaks to me.

In a back-to-the-future sort of way, fast forward to the 15th of April, 2024, we had none other than Vitalik saying some nice things about the project and work being done. He wasn't just talking the talk, he was walking it as well, as he admitted to actually use the features of Railgun project.

To cut the long story short, this tweet, coupled with the bullish state of the market led to a significant pump in the value of RAIL token. At just around $2 per token, it is still someway from its all-time high but that is a significant jump from the 30 cents range it had been trading at for a while.

So I'm pleased to say that I took profit and the timing was just perfect, with all things considered. I needed this pump to deal with the financial crunch I'm facing right now and it has made my life so much easier.

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