Branded Merchandise and Hive marketing


Yeah so, I got branded the other day with this cap. I'd been thinking about making branded merch for a while and this opportunity presented itself, and I couldn't resist.

For the most part, people have reacted positively to the cap. Whenever I wear it around my area, a lot of people ask me to "dash them" and around here, that's a not so subtle way of saying they like my cap.


For me, it is all about getting the brand out there. As blockchain and cryptocurrencies increase in popularity around here, this part of the world becomes fertile ground to find new investors in the blockchain.

Cost of Merchandise

The total cost of this cap was 1500 naira, and that loosely translates to $4. I reckon that's a fair price to pay for it.

Having the branded cap is one thing, the next will be about how I can actually use it to achieve its purpose. I don't know if there's a strategy for these sort of things or I'm suppose to wing it.

Link to tweet

I already did a test run on Twitter with it and I got some positive responses. Owing to how awesome the cap is, I ordered for a shirt and it will be ready at the end of the day. Hopefully, it's as cool as this one and I can rock it for some pictures.

I'm available for Freelance Gigs

I can write insightful posts for your blogs and website at a very affordable rate. I accept every cryptocurrency listed on Binance as payment and also accept fiat. Here are my fiver gigs below;

I will write blog posts about blockchain and cryptocurrency

Link to gig

This is the first gig I created on Fiverr and I basically talk about how I write quality articles about cryptocurrency and blockchain. So, if you're looking for a writer on your Hive blog or maybe you have private blog outside the platform, I can create quality articles for you.

All I need is a topic, tone of the post and any extra information you'd like me to add. If you choose to patronise me, I assure you that all our conversations will be kept private.

I will write insightful football articles for blogs

Link to gig

I have a keen interest in football and even spent three years in the blogging wilderness writing posts on The few readers I garnered loved my posts, even though they didn't always agree with my views. In recent times, I have been writing on my personal blog, where I share my views about Arsenal.

I can vary the tone of my posts to suit any narrative a customer chooses to pick, so irrespective of the club or approach, I can handle it. Just like the previous gig, every conversation we have will be kept private.

Contact me


If you would like to patronise me or have any suggestions for me, please leave a comment with your contact information or reach me through any of the following channels;

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