COTI v2 - Developer Network potential use cases

COTI v2 is a privacy-centric layer-2 protocol on Ethereum dedicated to safely transmitting sensitive data over the blockchain across Web3 applications. We are close to the Developer Network release once the team is fine with the state if it and/or does some fine tuning. This comes with a lot of potential use cases that will boost this entire ecosystem. In order to incentivize developers there are about $50 million put up for grabs for small projects or bigger ones. Thus getting on this can be supported with as low as $1,000 and as high as $100,000 or more based on the size, dimension and complexity of the project developed over the COTI infrastructure. Thus, I believe there will be quite a bit of frenzies about it and I expect a pretty fast adoption on the developers side.


Here are some of the potential use cases where one can build exciting things upon:

  1. Confidential DeFi
  2. Confidential Transactions
  3. Confidential Payments
  4. Stablecoins
  5. Tokenized RWA (Real World Assets)
  6. CBDCs
  7. On Chain Sensitive Data Management
  8. Confidential AI & Machine Learning
  9. Dynamic Decentralized Identification (DID)

As a side note, COTI's Dynamic DIDs will leverage Civic Pass while Civic will become the blockchain's design partner for this use case. COTI web3 infrastructure and data protection foundation has signed a partnership with Civic, a digital identity management platform, to give users confidentiality and self-sovereignty over their digital identities. This is huge and its ripples will take shape in time and as things advance.


With the Developer Network being around the corner, COTI expects an army of developers to jump on it and develop a great ecosystem with full force. And while scalability was handled at different layers on Ethereum, privacy is probably the next big thing on it. And COTI is in front of it and with their technology, what they developed so far and what they will develop starting with the Developer Network, they will make a pioneer of it in this space. And we all know that the first ones are those that will reap the most rewards.

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