War is here and moar war is coming!



What a reversal we had in the markets yesterday! It was down down down and then the plunge protection team at the FED came right back in to help soften the blow. Unfortunately we gotta keep pricing in FUD (fear uncertainty doubt). If you are anything like myself you are hedging for the ultimate end-game-play!


What's that bear? What's that end-game-play?

Is it crypto? - No
Is it gold? - No
is it crude oil - No


Ok Bear what gives! What are you ultimately hedging for? Well war of course!

It's amazing how many people glorify their profits. I made millions in FIAT! WOW! Millions? That's incredible you are amazing! Whether it's in software or ripping off other creations and putting it somewhere else it doesn't matter! Small peckers will always flaunt their fiat earnings.. until that fiat is inflated away!

Look nobody has a crystal ball! We don't know if Ukraine and NATO are going to go to war.. but basically what happens is simple. When things in the market finally break, you will see everything take a hit. Pandemonium everywhere needs a distraction. What's the best way to rid yourself of angry people? Well liquidating them.

Would I buy the dip? Depends, but it also depends on what it is priced in. Yes it's broad but we will be going to 'war'. We just had one against an invisible enemy but unfortunately that play is getting tiring now. You can only play politics so long with supply chain issues. A war will explain all of it away.


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