Energy is the life blood of all markets!


Oil, Gas, electricity! We NEED that for consumption. If you stop consuming, you need less energy. If you consume too much energy you need more energy. Heating our homes, growing our food, buying our food, transportation, products..

What could go wrong?

When energy markets break down it looks as though that will be the best commodity of the future. It's interesting these day's to say the least. Paper markets determine future prices. Anyone who has been collecting assets such as #gold and #silver understand these basics.


Those that understand anything really know "sustainable" energy has it's costs. There will never been enough energy output to continue our standard of living. Even oil producers are angry because they know their "energy" should be markedly higher than what paper markets are printing. Who knows this the most?

Putin has Europe by the balls. This was discussed numerous times in the past few years. European leaders worried not and now they scramble. Any normal Leader could see this gap in what the need and yet they looked the other way. They are content on printing trillions of dollars to prop up paper markets.

In my opinion thi is alreading breaking down and will lead to major unrest as people cannot buy the things they need and fuel their comfort levels.


The more things 'change' the obvious they stay the same. This decade is rife with coming unrest and when the hoardes start filing the street (again), this time will be much different. The west will now look like 3rd world countries if they do not already.

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