Very soon.

Today is a September day that has put thoughts of the past summer at a distance and it is time to think about something cooler.

The weather has been unpredictable lately and it is possible that at any moment going outside in the morning we will find ourselves in the arms of a cold winter.

There was a time when everyone was waiting for winter and not only because it is the time of Christmas holidays, someone simply dreamed of making a snowman riding a sled, skiing, or skating.

But now it is quite difficult to think about it because you have to think about how to pay utility bills and as the proverb says, prepare your sleigh in the summer you already need to think about how to set aside part of the autumn budget for winter expenses.

It is good where we are not says another proverb it is often applied to those places that are located on the seashore.

But to be honest I can't imagine life where there is no frost in winter but a slight cold and dampness makes you freeze to the bone, avoiding this by hiding all day under a blanket because there may not be central heating there and it is very cold to heat with electricity.

The choice is not very wide either you pay, or watch how mold gradually conquers your apartment and the debris from the walls moves into the closet and from the walls of the closet to the clothes.

If you passed by a second-hand store where clothes are brought from Europe then the smell of mold can be felt without going into the store.

The generosity of Europeans who donate their worn clothes to charities is highly appreciated here but in fact they are simply getting rid of moldy clothes that they themselves can no longer wear they are disgusted, let them be worn by those who can step over it.

They the victims, will have to buy new clothes and again not heat their home because clothes cost money and paying for both clothes and heating is expensive the circle will close when they again take a new batch of clothes to charity funds.

And we residents of third world countries will continue to pay the lion's share of our income for heating in our home and for many years wear the same clothes sometimes looking like new.

And here too the circle closes.

Although something may change but we will find out about this soon with the arrival of winter.

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Material thoughts about beekeeping №1

Link to the container with my portfolio

More to come!

Enjoy viewing the photos and reading the article!

Have a blessed day!

Author:Author @barski. In my publications you will see only my author's works.


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