No panic!

Today is Saturday according to the calendar that has become old only in the minds of people who by their nature tried to compete with the Creator of all things the seventh day of the week the day when God rests you can read about it in the Book of Genesis the day when all the right things are already completed.

On this day God rests but does not sleep and he is always ready to come to our aid.

God loves both those who believe in him and those who do not yet regard him as their support and protection and the one who can save us from the feeling of panic for any reason.

And we can have many reasons for panic for example the beginning of a war and the explosions of missiles and bombs that shake your house and you were sleeping peacefully before that a violation of some of our stability due to rising prices for goods or dismissal from work, your cow died which you considered the support of your wealth or the collapse of the crypto market of the coin to which you prayed as to God.

You can forget about any kind of panic if you remember how God showed mercy to you when you considered yourself an absolute atheist and did not connect your life with faith in the Creator and lived without gratitude to him.

Today, in moments when it is scary lol I remember how early in the morning twenty-four years ago on Saturday I went fishing with my father.

Having settled down on the shore my father fell asleep in the car and I began to unwind the fishing gear which consisted of a hundred meters of 0.3 mm thick fishing line and thirty meters of rubber cord which ended in a small piece of fishing line with a lead sinker tied to it.

I wanted the gear to be as far away from the shore of the lake as possible and decided to swim to the middle of the lake holding a sinker from two fishing gear in each hand.

Having unwound all the fishing line tied to the wooden forks I stuck the forks into the coastal soil pressed the weights to the forks and went into the water.

I am a good swimmer and a hundred meters one way was easy for me.

When I reached the middle of the lake I began to try to untie the fishing line on my wrists and at that moment I felt the cold of an underground spring in the thickness of the water.

Both legs were cramped the pain was unbearable the fishing line on my wrists prevented me from scooping up water the pigskin interfered with my buoyancy I tried to scream but my father was sleeping and did not hear me I swallowed water and began to drown.

If you get lost in the forest or in the swamps and do not know how to get out of them, then that panic is incomparable with the feeling that I experienced there in the water in the middle of a huge lake.

Yes, it was a strange freedom about which you can say that an angel shook me and said: Don't panic.

I surfaced for a second, then dived under the water again but consciously, like the divers do.

My legs hurt and didn't work, all I had were two fishing tackles which I started to pull towards me and at first it was 30 meters of stretched rubber.

Slowly, afraid that the rubber would break I reached the knot that connects the line and the rubber and felt the first leash with a fishing hook.

It was a moment of happiness even in such a situation there was no panic at all, I was very busy smoothly pulling myself along the fishing line and after a while I touched the muddy bottom with my feet.

And after some more time I found myself on the shore, where my father was sleeping so peacefully and calmly who did not know at all what was happening to me during those half an hour while my Father my God was fighting for my life.

That incident always reminds me that there is no need to panic God gave me real protection from any panic.

Below you can see my containers with data that I collect in INLEO and always have quick access to them it is very convenient.

Material thoughts about beekeeping №1

Link to the container with my portfolio

More to come!

Enjoy viewing the photos and reading the article!

Have a blessed day!

Author:Author @barski. In my publications you will see only my author's works.


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