Morning with prayer: Day Seven. Work for the result.

Morning with prayer: Day Seven. Work for the result.

Glory to the Great God that He gave us this wonderful morning.

I say that this morning is wonderful with confidence even though I haven’t really seen it yet but I know that if you ask God for bread He won’t give you a stone instead of bread.

And since I woke up life is boiling inside me, then for sure this morning is great and it is filled with the grace of God the Father!

I woke up today looked at the clock it was time to get up I was about to do it, but for a moment I fell asleep again for a second and saw a street of the old city filled with crowds of people and shops of merchants selling their goods.

All these people were preoccupied with their own affairs some needed to buy and others needed to sell something, and all on one street it was very convenient for everyone and no one even thought about looking at some other places where they could make deals.

Then I saw that the street was crossed by bridges at regular intervals and a few moments later I saw that the sides of the street were not lined with houses but with stone walls but not houses, but river banks.

Yes, there used to be a river there, but it disappeared and people began to use its bed as a pedestrian street.

But when the river returns people will have nowhere to run, the banks are too high, and there are too many people there to avoid being trampled by the crowd when the great water comes.

At that moment I woke up completely with the understanding that any area of ​​our life can be such a river, such a river bed, it will not be possible to save ourselves all we can do is pray for salvation, pray for a result.

Prayer for a result is essentially a battle with God, and not a fleeting phrase "God help me!" For the blessing of God you have to fight and suffer, an example of this can be chapter 32 of the Book of Genesis where you can read about Jacob wrestling with God he held God tightly and said that he would not let God go until God blesses him.

There are many different interpretations of this moment someone believes that Jacob's struggle with God is the struggle of the Jews with Jesus Christ in the future I do not share this point of view but I see Jacob's jealousy of God.

Jacob was wise and cunning, he managed to buy his birthright from his brother for a plate of soup and Jacob knew the price of God's blessings well therefore when he wrestled with God he fought to the last, until victory although he was struck in the knee and limped all his life, but the fact that he was blessed by God that's for sure.

This is an interesting topic for conversation, but today I will only say that in this struggle I see the need and example of prayer for the result a difficult sometimes long but effective process the result of which will be a blessing.

Therefore I begin this morning with prayer.

I carefully pack my prayer in the chests of my thoughts and like a merchant who goes to the market early in the morning with his precious goods, knowing that robbers and other dangers await him on this way I go to where God is waiting for me.

Prayer is not always a straight road without intersections sometimes it is a labyrinth of arched vaults.

In some corridor it is fresh, the wind blows and in some corridor it becomes hot.

At first it is not easy to understand where exactly you need to turn along these corridors but systematic prayer allows you to know all the corridors and you begin to easily navigate there and an understanding comes which door you can enter and which door is better to leave closed.

I like morning prayers when the mind is not burdened, when thoughts are pure but there are no obstacles for it, you can pray at any time of the day or night and prayer for the result will be no less sweet.

Loving father! ... sandare le tale unde la merako.... hate per sate de la er tale... I bring to your feet my sorrows and joys.... indo per kare ehtaro tel pare... I bring to you every judgment and every burden... el tako der perta perate... you brought the Jewish people out of Egypt... sen tare unde la tore... and you will save us from every oppression... but do not let us be blind and wander forty years in the desert like them... a tare de mato unde la tore... show your glory to us and to our enemies... de takore unde ora per casto... I know that in everything you are good and your deeds are good!

Be glorified this morning and this day and bless everyone who calls on you and who stands in the breach of the wall.


Standing in the gap is another very interesting topic for conversation about prayer.

Our problems are like a breach in the wall of a fortress, through which the enemy is trying to get inside the fortress.

Only you me we can stand in this breach and not let the enemy get into our camp.

It is difficult to defeat the enemy in a second but he will exhaust his strength and either give up his attempts to annoy us, or he will be flattened like an old useless tin can.

Systematic prayer for the result is not subject to time, place and weather it is strong when we are strong when we put ourselves into it without reserve when our struggle is a struggle with God to the end.

Oh, and lest I forget @bradleyarrow, the creator of the BBH coin would be happy to see our votes "for" the witness @thebbhproject, I cast my vote.

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Have a blessed day!

Author:Author @barski. In my publications you will see only my author's works.

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