In the silence of the rain.

Silence is a very subtle concept to perceive because even noise can become a long-awaited silence and I know this very well although it contradicts the very concept of silence.

Because of the intense heat that has come and does not retreat at night we have to open all the windows wide open and this may give some coolness but all the sounds of the night city are concentrated in our room and this can interfere with sleep.

Even if we do not talk about the roar of the air raid siren, which screams almost every night, many other sounds make themselves known very loudly and intrusively.

You can hear how transport moves on the roads, how many kilometers from my house they connect railway cars into a train how someone's intercom jammed and every night dials a non-existent combination and receives a musical response about the error.

But tonight it became very noisy and from this noise I fell asleep sweetly.

It was the sound of pouring rain that drowned out all other sounds I didn't even hear the air raid siren.

The rain was like a pill of happiness for a deep sleep its monotonous beat of drops on the tin roof of the neighboring house lulled.

In fact, only today can I say that autumn has come to our region.

And it was loud but very quiet lol.

Now the sound of the rain has mixed with the hum of the refrigerator lol and with the city noises but at night the sound of heavy raindrops was magnificent.

A good night's sleep is a guarantee of vigor, even when your health is not the best and therefore I have already managed to fill my containers in INLEO with data:

Material thoughts about beekeeping №1

Link to the container with my portfolio

More to come!

Enjoy viewing the photos and reading the article!

Have a blessed day!

Author:Author @barski. In my publications you will see only my author's works.


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