Fulfillment of desires.

Fulfillment of desires any desires for me, is a very interesting topic because to understand how our desires work in the spiritual world and how they are ultimately realized is a complex question and always open.

Desires can be completely different simple and with tricks.

For example, simple desires include the fact that I wanted to publish my post on https://ecency.com, but uploading photos did not work I saw the red scale many times in the morning which spat on all my attempts to implement my plan.

Okay, I thought and decided to do it through the INLEO interface on https://inleo.io.

And what do you think?

The same result with the only difference there was no red scale the photos just ended up in the arms of eternal loading.

At this point, I could have finished all attempts to upload photos but I decided not to give up.

I thought about it and decided to upload photos via the https://peakd.com/ interface which I did and after that, from the post editing page I copied the links to the uploaded photos transferred them to ecency.com and was able to continue working on the post.

As a result I can say that one of my wishes has been fulfilled.

I can say that the fulfillment of this wish is due to the fact that I knew that I am such a cool guy but since I am a believer I understand that God gave me persistence even in this modest matter.

But, you have the right to have your own special opinion on this matter and if you succeed then beat your chest with your fist and give yourself credit.

By the way the most democratic in the world is God he gives people complete freedom of choice between heaven and hell without any gray areas between warm and cold.

All we have to do is wish to choose the direction of movement and this wish will come true with a hundred percent probability do not doubt it.

But, I wanted to touch on one more point and this is connected with the news from my homeland small Moldova which for several days now has given me grounds for reflection on such a topic as the fulfillment of desires.


There has been a severe drought in Moldova for the last six months, rivers and lakes have become shallow water in wells has begun to disappear and many springs have dried up.


People were sounding the alarm.

The heat that visited all of Europe hydroelectric power stations that were built in the upper reaches of the Dniester River, all this caused a decrease in the level of groundwater.

Yes, it must be said that Moldova is an agrarian country and the lion's share of its income comes from the sale of agricultural products which as is known from the postulates does not grow very briskly without rain.

Do you know how many people dreamed of rain on this small piece of land in Eastern Europe?

I think about three million people dreamed of it.

Among them several hundred thousand Christians who cried out to God for rain.

And now, the rain has been pouring down for the last couple of days the rivers and lakes have overflowed their banks.

I doubt that in my life which is 51 years I have seen this before in my homeland.


One day I heard very important words.

When a Christian wishes good for himself and others he must very precisely indicate the direction of the prayer.

If you want to see a rich harvest then pray to God for a harvest and if you pray to God asking Him for rain then be afraid of your desire because you will receive rain in abundance.

The question arises, why then do they say that God is good if He, fulfilling our desires brings us so many problems?

Perhaps God wants to teach us to think before we ask for something, because when we want something, we may not think about those for whom our desires and their fulfillment may turn into a tragedy.


Below you can see my containers with data that I collect in INLEO and always have quick access to them it is very convenient.

Material thoughts about beekeeping №1

Link to the container with my portfolio


More to come!

Enjoy viewing the photos and reading the article!

Have a blessed day!

Author:Author @barski. In my publications you will see only my author's works.



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