Too many spam calls everyday

These days, I keep getting a lot of spam calls from random numbers. I have Truecaller installed on my mobile, and that helps to some extent, but even otherwise, there are many irritating calls that I get on my mobile. I have seen an increased number of such calls in the last few weeks. They called me and asked me if I was interested in doing a part-time job.

Initially, these calls were like real people asking me this question but now it is an IVR that asks me this question during the call and says I can drop off if I'm not interested in the job offer. This keeps happening multiple times a day. Some numbers are displayed as spam by Truecaller but not all numbers are displayed like that. Some numbers end up being unrecognizable and I end up attending them. I'm unsure if these calls happen only in India or if there are better options to block such calls in other countries.


What is Truecaller?

I have been using Truecaller for quite some time now. It is a mobile app available in the Play Store. There is a paid version of it available and a free version available. Earlier when the company started this app was scary because people worried that it might help in identity theft and might affect the privacy of people but today we find it very useful because even if we miss a call from an unknown number, we can go and verify it on this application to make sure it is a valid number or a spam.

There is a block facility that is available on Truecaller where we can block numbers that are repeatedly calling us and irritating for some promotion offers or some spam. But the spammers are also cleaver and they come back with another number. With the pro version of Trucaller, I guess there are some advanced features available that can help us prevent such spams.

I think there are also apps similar to Trucaller that does the same thing and there are also some default options available with the telecom provider where they indicate some numbers and show it to us as "Likely spam". This feature also helps.


Facility provided by telecom provider

There is a DND service available throughout all the service providers and it is a rule that all such promotion calls should happen only through some reserved numbers. Today many companies or many parties don't follow that guideline and they call random people at random time to sell credit card or some services. Even during Sundays such calls happen and it is very hard to block only such things.

If we activate the DND service, even then there are many calls happening and we don't have a facility to report such numbers to telecom operators to block. If we have such a facility, people will have the fear of selling services and products through calls that are from unauthorized numbers.

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