Fortune Favors The Bold - Crypto Is The People's Response To A Broken Financial System

And it would be sad to watch it crawl right back into it.

But, I'm optimistic it won't because it's the tech that matters.

Science is incredible, all the time but most people just often choose to turn a blind eye to it.

Most people have at least once in their life come across Newton's first law of motion that says: a body at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an external force.

Keyword: force!

It's comical finding out that a lot of people out there tend to believe that there's anyone that has it “easy” at some point in their life without past prices paid.

It's really crazy.

Everything in the world is subject to a force, without one, nothing changes, nothing happens, nothing exists.

It takes force, in whatever form you want to describe that for something to actually come to be.

That's why it's said to “be” the change you want to see because in “being” you're creating a force that society can mimic if found to be “good”.

The quote “fortune favors the bold” also talks about “force”.

The proverb uses fortune as the personification of a force in the world that chooses those it favors. The bold, brave and strong are more likely favored, according to the proverb. A Timely Sentiment. “Fortune favors the bold” encourages people to push the limits of what is achievable.


Essentially, there's a force waiting for you to apply force to unlock its favors. And fortune is this force.

I know how it may sound there for a second, cause how can fortune actually be a force? Cause to most people, it is a finish line and there lies the problem.

There is no finish line, oh you got a job, now you gotta save and invest. Now you done opened up your own business that's bringing in some good extra cash, well guess what? You have to not only maintain that, but grow it because sustainability isn't about back to back $10k a month, it's meant to climb from there because the unit of account will lose value overtime, by greed-design.

Looking back at all that, all stages were indeed fortune, but even that needed continuous application of force to maintain and grow from.

First, it's started, then it is maintained and then scaled up.

Crypto Is The World's Response To A Broken Financial System

Crypto is a force and we've seen the fortunes of that force. Nothing would have changed about a lot of things if crypto as a “force” never poked the bodies at rest.

What bodies?

The central Banks

The Investment Banks

The Regulators

The Financial Watchtower

Data Exploitation

The governments


No, no, I don't think a lot of people look at crypto and see what has come to be because of it.

We are at a stage where that force needs to be maintained and scaled up because the forces it has taken off rest are moving to dominate it.

This is the so-called institutions, the black and white rocks, that we all very much knew would at some point want to take a bite of cake.

Goodnews? Crypto is tech and that, by design, cannot be put down, ultimately.

They can take over a coin or token, or even a blockchain, but with an open-source development environment, it's just very close to impossible to have it all controlled as tech, can find it's way to avoid traditional traps.

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