Financial Education - The Effects Of Basic Absence Of "DYOR"


No, not Christian Dior :(

Research is a vital piece of the puzzle when it comes to investment, whether on physical properties or digital assets, crypto kinda pushed this to the masses with its popular DYOR abbreviation. I still recall, vividly, the days I was such a blind ass investor, I could literally buy anything so long as it's low priced, hoping for a run up as usual, it's always about getting it cheap right? This is crypto we are talking about after all right ?

This is the idea most people flow with, in crypto space most especially, it is very rampant, but it's very much of an investment flaw. Just because you're early or it's low priced doesn't make it a potential big thing, or doesn't guarantee big gains, if anything, that's a gamble by a dumb fuck, highly unrecommended by me.

Math, some more math, and a couple more math…

It's tiring to crunch numbers, and much more tiring to read contents word to word, this is why lots of people venture into things without reading the terms and conditions, it's always so long that reading it feels like punishment, but why is it more risky when not done? This applies to many other fields including physical property investments, the documents and fillings, most agreements are filled with long and deemed unnecessary narratives.


But hold up, why don't we ever stop to think why these shits are often so long?

Well, for starters, terms are meant to be properly laid out to ensure it is met, so when one ignores it yet accepts it, his ignorance to what he has signed is as dangerous as fuck. We've heard many stories of peeps signing off their entire wealth just because of not being able to spend a little time to read through papers and shits.

Proper Financial Decision Includes this…

Paying attention to details saves a ton, and this is made possible by proper research. The level of false businesses and scam companies are a shit ton, in the past years the world has been counting tons of Ponzi schemes, rug pulls, we've witnessed businesses fold up in a short term with flimsy excuses. Investors are often the ones getting hurt on these occasions but research could have avoided this. There's actually no great financial education without treating risk management and the importance of paying attention to details with all rightly carried out research. So many people need to spare that little time and do the right thing…

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