Financial Education - The Compounding Effects Of Petty Yields


Pertaining to finances, it's almost as though people take the wrong approach all the time, very little deal with it in bits, others just want to cut through to a breakthrough, but it doesn't happen that way, at least not for everyone. In investments, the risky ones aren't always the good ones, a lot come to believe that, but there are other factors that add up to a greater value, the math is just often ignored. I just still can't seem to get the fact that I wrote a post titled "A Dollar A Day Isn't Insignificant" some time back, and this was in my early days on hive. You know what I was trying to do right there wasn't exactly to motivate anyone around me, but to motivate myself.

The beginning could always be slow right? Mine at some point felt so, I said at some point because it felt like a mix of slow and fast, so that post was me settling for whatever came out of my efforts, considering the long term, that's finding value in the least tokens earned, and to be sincere, I wasn't exactly wrong because now it is worth it!

Is a dollar a day really significant?

A dollar a day isn't exactly something a lot of people earn around here( my country), this, in a year is a sum of money that can pay my buddy's rent @malopie, so if he literally has an investment with such income stream, he's exactly not a worried man when it comes to paying his rent when due. Now, I believe when we try to look at things money can afford, we'd realise it's way too valuable to speak so low of it. It doesn't exactly matter how little, so long as there's value in it, then it holds its own significant attributes.


Work Required and Income Rate

The only situation where a low income isn't exactly worth it is when it requires a lot of labour to acquire, it loses its value to the work done because at that point, the work is overvalued when it isn't paying that much. This is so because let's take the case of a bricklayer who works about 12hrs to get a little above $5, now, that overtime is $1,825, that's on a yearly basis, definitely a huge sum of money!

But the chances of keeping this stream is slim, and also, the truth is that on top of this $5 daily wages is feeding bills and all the rest. Bricklaying isn't an easy job and most times, the people who indulge in it go home sick, so you figure the money gets fast spent.

Investments and Petty Compounding Income

However, compared to a job that requires consistent labor, in an investment field where yields are being paid upon an agreed basis, the long term effects of petty compounds are actually extranamos. Now, on the same note of Income stream, crypto tends to offer solutions that could regenerate similar value but of course, a lot might be risked. On a base level, I have an investment (Oneup) printing $3 a day for very little effort and I can't just imagine any better feeling of bliss. When I consider how developments can turn that $3 to $100 or even $300 dollars, it's crazy to think I was doing so little to be paid higher than top level jobs in the world…

So then, it's all about the long term, when investment approaches are taken in that manner, I feel that 90% of the time, it is well structured…

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