AI Tool Window shopping: Chat With Your Favorite Book or Get Market Insights

The never-ending stream of new AI projects never disappoints me. You can find anything from really helpful, productive, and informative tools, to just silly fun AIs that can be quite entertaining. There are so many of them that it can be hard to keep up sometimes so I wanted to share some of them that might be of interest to many of you. If you want any specific type of these AI tools for me to cover, please leave me a comment and I'll see what I can find.

Get Chunky - ChatBot Trainer


GetChunky Homepage

Get Chunky has developed a fascinating concept, you can train your own chatbot solely using Google Sheets. It leverages technology used for ChatGPT in combination with your Google Sheets data to generate responses. Basically, you can create your own "character" and fill it with your own data to build its knowledge base on top of what ChatGPT API can provide.

The cool part is that you can embed the chatbot on your site or even have it inside of a Discord server for your community to play with. Of course, nothing comes for free, unless you don't intend to use the bot for less than 100 messages per month you will need to look at their subscription plans. Anyway, I made a bot to test this out, and if you want to try it too click on this link.

Made In a Couple of Steps

I just had to build something wacky so I tried to make a zombie-like chatbot that really likes brainzzz.

First, I had to give it some basic info and give it a chatting style and behavior pointers.

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Then, I had to create some data to fill my Google Sheets to train on. There is a quickstart guide that provides an example data set that looked like this:

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I gave this dataset example to ChatGPT and asked it to make something that could be used to train a zombie-like character with a humoristic tone and the result was actually really good so I went with it.

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Click train agent, and boom, that's pretty much it. We have our very own chatbot.

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This can be done so much better with so much more data but this was just to show you how simple it can be to create the bot, use it, and share it with others. Again, if you want to try it out, here is a link to the ZomBot:

ChatPDF - Chat with your PDF file!

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ChatPDF Homepage

The name of this AI literally tells you what this is all about. You provide this tool with a PDF document and then you can chat with it. It's kinda funny but you can talk with your favorite book or a scientific paper that you don't quite understand. Ask it questions, summarize the content, etc.

To showcase what it does I downloaded a research paper titled: CatAlyst: Domain-Extensible Intervention for Preventing Task Procrastination Using Large Generative Models, and provided to this site.

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I got a brief introduction to the paper and even some suggested questions. I wanted to learn a bit more about what CatAlyst is before trying out one of these questions so here is the start of our conversation:

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I've been using it to help me understand papers like these in case something wasn't clear enough. You can ask it to explain on different levels depending on how familiar you are with the topic, also you can test my understanding by telling it what my conclusions are based on what I read. In, short this tool is amazing!

If you aren't sure what CatAlyst is all about but you still wanna know, this is what I've gathered from questioning this PDF (haha, it's just so funny to say).

Suppose a worker is writing an article and gets distracted by something else. When the worker returns to the task, they may find it difficult to resume writing because they have lost their train of thought or interest in the topic. This is where CatAlyst comes in. It generates a continuation of the worker's interrupted work, which could be the next sentence or paragraph that the worker was about to write before getting distracted.

For instance, if the worker was writing an article about "The Benefits of Exercise," and got distracted after writing "Regular exercise can help improve your...", CatAlyst would generate a continuation such as "cardiovascular health, boost your immune system, and reduce stress levels." By presenting this generated continuation to the worker, CatAlyst aims to make them interested in the content of the intervention and induce their behavior of resuming the task after they retrieve their interest in the original task. - Get Market Insights

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If you are investing in the stock market or crypto like many of us here, this tool can he quite helpful. is a financial intelligence platform powered by New-Media data and Gen. AI tech. It searches the web and seeks any mentions of the ticker you ask it to analyze.

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It aggregates data from different places such as Reddit, Twitter, Telegram, news articles, etc. Shows you where it found the discussion about the ticker you are interested in. And you can see the activity surrounding that ticker for the past month. I find it really useful to quickly catch up with stocks I didn't follow lately.

I gotta admit I hate their charts functionality. It comes with a high delay and sometimes just doesn't work, I hope this gets fixed soon. But all of this is free so I'm okay with the wait.

One function is reserved for those that want to pay tho.

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You can get daily analysis of the ticker of your choosing. I didn't use it, but if you are interested you get free 60 credits when you sign up (three days worth of this function), and from what I've seen you can get 120 days worth of credits for 20 bucks, which isn't that much to be fair.

PlayPhrase - Search Movies With Quotes

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PlayPhrase Homepage

I'm gonna end with a fun one. You know that moment when you for no reason remember a good quote that sticks in your mind and then bothers you "Where did I hear that from?", well you can ask PlayPhrase to find you the answer.

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There are 7 and a half million quotes currently available for you to sift through. You can also burst some bubbles with the most misremembered quotes out there like:

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Yeah, it's not "Luke, I am your father", but pretty close, haha. You know it's bad when even the site tells me that this quote is from The Mandela Effect movie. Well, technically it is, haha.

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These AI projects just keep surprising me with their diversity, ranging from practical tools to just plain fun applications. Whether you are seeking for something to boost your productivity or to get entertained there is something for everyone. This tech is evolving at un unprecedented pace and some find it scary. Who know what the future holds, maybe it destroys us, or makes us stronger. It can only be one of the two really, haha.

As always thank you for reading.

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IF you need help starting here at Hive, I highly recommend you to hop on The Terminal discord server, here's an invite:


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