Yes, Hive ecosystem supports you, and you

It's not every day I can comfortably feel like I can take up a challenge and see through till the end. There's something particular about this infographic design contest that made me so excited that I wanted to be a part of it.

On the first day, I glanced through the rules and felt a need to Join. On the second day, I decided to stop glancing through and read carefully. I did this between the lines, and because I paid close attention to every sentence, I had lots of questions and of course doubts.

Once the questions and doubts surface, I found myself returning to my shell and beginning to feel discouraged. I didn't think I'll be able to come up with a good design. Seeing that I am not a designer nor do I have the qualifications.

Thus, I tried to cover up these doubts by first putting all of my questions out here on the chain. I asked a lot of questions, and I got an encouraging response. I joined the necessary group to see what others are talking about and I found my courage returned.

But something else happened, I went on Google to see different versions of infographics and how others do theirs. On getting there, I got the shock of my life. The designs I saw weren't something a non-designer could fathom.

At that point, I wished that I had even a tiny bit of design skills. I didn't. I wish I knew how to use Corel draw because of the designs I saw I was sure someone with good Corel draw experience will undertake it and bring an amazing design.

I took a break away from the contest post. And just continued about my life. While I was doing my daily routines, the design contests didn't leave my thoughts. My heart kept telling me to take it upon myself to do something and see how it goes.

So I decided to put myself out there and do something whether or not it would turn out great I had no idea. But I wouldn't know what will happen unless I tried so I did.

I first opened Canva on my brave browser and tried to find templates that I can mirror. I found a few ones and I was elated. At this point, it seem everything was on my side. I went through the Hive Representation manual once again including the symbols manuals that we were given and I started working.

Today, I am happy to present to you my finished design and I hope that you would give me fair points and reviews too.
Yellow Professional Gradient App Development Mind Map Graph (1).jpg
Link to design
I'll stop talking much and dive into the different elements and explain in detail for you.

Through the design you are looking at you'll see that I decided to merge what Hive community support and promotes. Without much ado, let's get to it.

Hive ecosystem supports;

Diversity and Multiculturalism

In Hive ecosystem, there is no discrimination whatsoever, there is a wide range of communities that accommodates everyone from all tribes and ethnicity.


Regardless of your race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, background, or socioeconomic status, you will find that in Hive, you will enjoy inclusiveness, understanding, and respect.

You can be sure that you will feel at home and you'll learn about yourself, and others as you keep showing up daily.

Individuals from all works of life

Now, it doesn't matter what your career is, Hive will accommodate you. You will find other people who are working in the same career as you and you can learn from them as you interact every day.
The fact that you have access to these folks should already tell you that you are in good hands. For there wouldn't be any challenges or difficulties that you are experiencing in your workplace that you cannot share and not get people who are supportive enough to offer valuable pieces of advice.

And when you gain these feats, you can tackle those situations in your workplace and become outstanding in your field.

Individuals from all over the planet

Could it be that you are from Mars? I know that's funny because you are probably from Earth. But wait a minute, even though you are from a different planet, or you are an alien(hahaha), Hive supports you too. You will find that this ecosystem gives you the breathing space to thrive and connects with your folks and shine.

Self-expression and complete personal control


Once you create your account and start getting around this ecosystem, there's one amazing thing that's worth mentioning. Not only will you be able to express yourself better, and have complete control over your account; all of your contents are yours and is forever on the chain. You wouldn't lose anything unless you lose your keys (which is why you should keep your keys safe and secure)

Creativity and Innovation

Are you creative? Does your mind always come up with the innovative idea? Then Hive is the place for you to be. You should get on board, dive into this ecosystem and discover how much you can accomplish by just owning an account and being a part of activities around here.

All sorts of personal interests

As mentioned above, you can be on Hive and advance in your career because of the values you will be receiving. At the same time, if you have other interests, we have different communities that can accommodate those interests of yours. Whether, it's photography, science, finance, arts, creative writing, short stories, etc.

Blockchain-based projects

Hive supports every Blockchain project, if you are a crypto enthusiast, you should be here too. Is it NFT, or do you want to build a community or your tokens? All of this and more is supported on Hive. As long as you have a vision that can unite everyone you are good to go.

Barrier-free Crypto revolution


Hive network supports the crypto revolution without any form of barrier or restrictions. Developers can come on board and build any crypto/Blockchain influenced projects on the chain and thrive. The most important thing is that it promotes decentralization which is an important facet in the evolution of cryptocurrency.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today for an account and discover more features that I might not have mentioned for you.

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