Safe Deposit On Investment Vehicle.


Most part of a productive life depends on our own individual commitment of how we do want to see that the value we add to a particular service or work has a way of paying us out. The efficiency meters are the way on how we advance to a particular plan and make some sort of adjustment on the amount of wealth we have. Generally we do measure value of something which has a direct connection to monetary funds, but most of the time, we ignore that, added time & effort has a value also.

Talking about investment, there is a keen tendency to use and posit a certain fund & money to some sectors which could potentially bring forth additional wealth added to what we posit in a corporation, company or any business initiative. Stock market is one of the case where the idea of stacking money has a way to turn back safe returns with potential interest patterns maybe 10-12% of the increment could potentially satisfy most of the people.

If I have $10k asset in a bank account, the banking policy would fix its users to have the return in a general scale and the fund in their centralized account would foster a small amount of interest that would neither provide profit to me, nor fill my targets which I settled for a financial target at the end of 5 years of duration. The policy decided returns are stereotyped and has no way of lucrative figures practically.Investment in a bank account is risk-free, but the return value is limited.

Funds like mutual, bond,stock,exchange traded funds etc have their own way of returns and they are suitable to people of different classes and needs. An employee having a good monthly deposit can sit back easily and open up mutual funds account in a bank to open up his potent future. Such deposit project is lucrative at first sight,because retirement is dignified when bank could give a nice free return after 20-25 years of consistent deposit.

But, what I think is banks arent trustworthy as there are security issues attached to their own policy whereas private farm investment is upto the investors own hand. He could either decide his own fate and how the investment scheme might go, or start changing and adding different techniques as of own convenience. Cryptocurrency is another vital aspect of investment alongside banks and stock markets, although risks are high and so as safe,scalable returns.


Hive is a perfect example of an investment scheme, the use of a solid number of HP where the prices are increasing and changing dynamically has high potential of gaining extra revenues, whereas chances of losing are also noticeable. The decision of making an investment to any project depends on how a person could bear the loss and risk-taking factors.

But the key part of the whole process relies on choosing an appropriate company or financial institutions, in such circumstances I do support decentralized entity, because like Governments you dont want the central authority to play your freedom,advantages and wealth revenues to snatch away from you. Choosing a good slot to play your cards, sincerely monitoring and stacking in right time is the key to win and achieving personal targets.

For that, I would say vital prospect is in advancing with a sensible, plan based,strategic technique with detailed descriptions.

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