Maximizing YouTube Earnings: Understanding the Role of CPM and Geographical Views

I was talking with my uncles about creating a YouTube account and posting videos on technology and providing solutions to difficulties for the daily problems people overcome. In this regard, we invited some of the famous video you-tubers of our society to our home to give us a brief overview of how to earn money and how many videos to broadcast per week.


This was a very interesting conversation, and we learned a lot about its mechanism and earning. We have bad luck because we live in Asian countries and have a disadvantage in terms of earning. The disadvantage is that views in Asian countries pay less than those in Europe, Australia, and the United States which has several reasons and will be shared in the next post with more detail.

Let me first go through how YouTube pays and how much you will receive money for every 1000 views. We have various components of earning on YouTube, one of which is geographical location, and the other is the type of video you have published. Is your content relevant to people's interests, will they enjoy your videos, and how many views will you receive?

In the same way, if you have videos about people's difficulties, which we all face in our lives, and someone who has solutions to all of them, those kind of videos will attract more viewers and raise your earnings. So these two factors are extremely important for earning money on YouTube.

Other earning elements include the CPM (Cost per mile), which simply means the amount of viewers from various regions. Assume I have a channel and the majority of my viewers are from Asian countries, which means that my CPM earnings will come from ASIAN countries.

As previously said, CPMs from ASIAN countries are relatively low and provide you with lower earnings. If I have a thousand viewers from Asian countries, which implies within Pakistan, I will be paid $1 for each 1000 views. However, if these viewers are from distant countries such as India, Bangladesh, China, Iran, or Afghanistan, the price will be raised by another dollar.


However, if these views come from Europe, America, or Australia, your CPM will be increased accordingly. You will earn more than $5 per 1000 views if they originate from distant places. According to my analysis, Norway is the country whose viewers contribute the most money to the youtuber.

This is to make it clear to Pakistanis that for 1K views, you will be paid $1, but this figure is not fixed and will vary because viewers may arrive from neighbouring nations, which will undoubtedly boost your earnings. As a result, it is always advisable to provide such contents that readers from different countries are interested in and specially the people from Europe.

If you do so, your earnings will increase and you will receive more cash on a monthly basis. As a result, CPM on YouTube is quite important and will affect your earnings per 1000 views. Another excellent method is to establish your account channel by any of your friends who live in European countries and allow them to open your account. This will enhance traffic from European countries, increasing your earnings.

This is an attempt on my part to provide you with some education and information regarding YouTube earnings and the importance of CPM in YouTube. I hope you enjoyed the post and found it useful. If you enjoyed the post, please leave a remark so that the next one will be even better. Thank you for sticking with me this far.




REMEMBER: We should prepare for the unexpected and hope for the best. Life may not be easy, but you must do your best and leave the rest to God.

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