Unveiling India's Rich Cultural Tapestry: A Journey Through Time

Indian culture is one of the most oldest culture in the world approximate 5000 years as per the Wikipedia's information let's know about the Indian culture and their some historic stories. And some ancient universities and ancient civilization in India. As you know India is a one of the most oldest Civilization exist in the world.

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India have a one of the most cultural and historic stories in the books of Indian history. Let's start from some ancient universities will be exist in the India in the 5000 years ago. There are some famous universities are exist in India now the one of the most famous and one of the most biggest universities in the world are Nalanda University exist in Bihar.

And now a days it should cover with dust and the stories of ancient times because 1193 destroyed by theI slamic Fanatic Bakhtiar Khilji, a Turk. In this university have one of the most biggest libraries in the world in that time. And that should also fired up by the islamic persons. In the heart of the India we carrying so may types of ancient universities are destroyed and also now a days they exist some universities but not for productive.

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Now some ancient civilizations are also exist in the Indian continent or under the boundary of India and one of the most oldest existration civilizations name is Mohenjo Daro Civilization. Bollywood also making one of the movie name is Mohenjo Daro on that movie The totally explanation of how the Civilization exist work and how they destroyed. Mohenjo Daro civilization is a one of the most oldest Civilization and one of the most modernised civilization on that time. They using variety ideas for the existing aur finding something.

And there are also three civilizations in the India should exist and that is the one of the most oldest Civilization and that names are lothal kalibange et cetera and their also some caves are exist in the India. And the name of the caves is ajanta Caves and ellora Caves. These types of cave are exist in the Indian boundary and makes the Indian history like golden history in the front of the world.

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India also know about for their culture for the rituals and Indian indian citizens are also follow these rituals and culture very whole heartedly in day to days life or in the past days and as per you know in the future the ancient culture will be also maintain by the citizens of the Indian culture that is a one of the most important thing to carry out the culture or Heritage thing in the past for future.

In the list of the UNESCO our India is a listed as a sixth destination of man of the most existence of the historical and monuments in India. India have a sixth position in the list of existential of one of the most oldest and one of the most Heritage monuments are exist in India so that is a reason why the UNESCO will be approve for the 6th list.

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As you know about the UNESCO . UNESCO is a one of the community exist in the word and starting from 1974 and this committee will be deciding some historical places in the world and the great them as a list. Like which country have most historical places of which country have most civilizations or ancient time civilizations in the world. This community are help to find the heritage places in the world.

From the help of the UNESCO most of the tourist will be beneficial to finding the historical places in their country or in the other countries. The UNESCO comedy make easier to finding the historical places and to explode the historical places . UNESCO also make easy for the tourist to know about the historical places in the detail as you know the historical places or the heritage places will be created by the humans in the ancient times and from that time onwards they have some creative art creative cultures are also shown in their culture or in their Caves.


As you know UNESCO will be divided this historical places in the three sites showing below.


As per the UNESCO The Heritage Sites will be describing about our past culture and carrying out the past culture in the future generation that is define by the UNESCO for their Heritage site or for their Heritage culture. Now let's take the another point of view for the profitable for the government.

Earning generate from this historical places is one of the easiest way to profit gaining for the Government and they take very grandly that is showing below

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This Heritage site are also define by so many sectors are so many point of view as you know geet showing in given below.

In the India have 28 states are exist in India but from the ancient and history our India have 32 civilization and culture maintaining from that time. And that is a one of the most proud thing for the citizens of the India because they carrying out the one of the most oldest civilizations are exist in India.



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