Challenging Discrimination: The Fight for Racial and Gender Equality

Gender and racial justice These words are affecting our society due to racial and gender. As you heard about these two words in the past in your life as you know these two words are causing very big problems in so many big countries and they protest for their rights. It is correct because as per human law we can't judge a person for their colour or gender.

That's why racial justice is rising now a days very rapidly because there are so many big countries facing these type of problems in their country and they also protesting about for their rights and for their human rights. Because every citizen of their country has right to freedom as per the law of human justice.

So let's know about the starting of these type of racist and gender discrimination in the country. There are two or three types of big countries in the world are facing these types of racial justice protest in their entire career. The name of the big countries as you know about the racist will be Rising from african persons shifting in the Northern countries or like London, America and other countries also are included in the list.

From that time onwards they faced many racist problems and gender problems also they have also discriminated by the foreign people or white person. They discriminate them for their colour for their face and also their gender. But when the law of human are coming in the constitution from that time onwards they protest for their rights in the market and the person who discriminated them they take a step to arrest them or take a step to not discriminate them for the future.

Talk about the gender discrimination or gender controversies in the world. But we take few countries in our list to discussing about the gender discrimination will be faced by countries. Commonly you heard about the name of the country Saudi Arabia, afghanistan, istanbu, pakistan and India.

These are the list of the countries will be facing gender discrimination in the past or historic time so less discussion about what are protests will be face by these countries. Let's talk about India because we all belong to India . In the 18th century of the 17th century India faced the british rule in their country but on that time the girls are also win discriminated by the person of the Indian and also the Britishers who have live in India or rule in India.

From that time onwards girls faced discrimination and also they facing childhood marriage it should be illegal nowadays but in the 18th and 19th century it should legal for the every person or every citizen who have girl. On that time the childhood marriage is very common in the city or the village areas of India.
But when B.R Ambedkar return the constitution from that time onwards childhood marriage goes slow down in so many villages for the law. That is a one of the step taking by the Indian government to stop these type of discrimination or gender discrimination in the country.

Not only India in the time of 18th and 19th century england vs facing the colour discrimination protest on that time the Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi help the colour discrimination protest in the England to proof their right. And Gandhiji play the major role in the protest to achieve their rights from the government of England. African persons are facing these type of color discrimination in london City. But the black persons know their rights that's why they protest against the white person or the government to give their human rights and watch the equally in the market in the society and give all the rights the white persons are utilizing.

And in Afghanistan or the Saudi arabia have also the same problem about the girls discrimination in their country to not go outside are the market area for the any reason they are totally feel like a prison in life. The woman also protest again the human laws and from that time onwards in the 20th century they get their protest right or human rights to move hair and their outside for marketing or any other purposes.

Gender discrimination and racist one of the bad thing in the market of society we think about to remove these type of thinking from our mind and look equally everyone girl or a man we should be need to watch equally. In any condition or in any situation in your life or other person. That's all for today's.

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