Learning More About Off-Page SEO

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If you are familiar with marketing, you can easily understand the concept of off-page SEO. Last time, we talked about on-page SEO where all of the changes are on or inside your post and webpage. But now, off-page SEO is all about sharing your content with the public to gain authority and traffic from your audience.

Mini SEO Tutorial:

What is off-page SEO?

Off-page SEO is a process of building your website authority outside of your website. This means sharing your website in public and gaining more traffic and authority. It includes link building, guest posting, social media marketing, etc.

Link Building

In SEO, there is a thing called backlinks. These are the links that are linked to your website. For example, if I attached the link to my website on Hive, then I have a backlink in Hive.

This is helpful for you as a blog owner because it is increasing your domain authority and get more eyes from Google.

Content marketing

Writing high-quality content can give you backlinks when another website owner links your site to them because they think of it as full of information and quality content.

Sending email

Do not hate self-promotion, you must embrace it. You can send an email to other website owners asking for a backlink. But do not make it sounds like spam. Be professional!

Finding broken links

This is also a professional way to get backlinks. By visiting high domain authority websites, you can check if they have broken links on their posts and pages then ask them to replace it with your post (note that it should be related to the old one).

Social media marketing

When you write quality content, many people can share your work on their social media profiles and start gaining popularity and authority over other websites. [CHECK THIS THREAD]

Aside from that, you can also share your own posts on social media especially if you have a good amount of followers. This can also be tracked by SEO tools on which platform your post was shared.

Influencer marketing

If you are serious about off-page SEO and willing to spend much more money, you can start influencer marketing by asking influencers with many social media followers to share your post on their profile. This can create massive traffic to your website and gain much more authority.

Keep in mind that when you are doing off-page SEO, your main goal is to get the trust of the search engines and people to see it as authoritative. This will help you to build a consistent growth of traffic in a span of time.

You can apply all of this on Hive by sharing your posts on Twitter. I think most people here are already familiar with #POSH and #GOSH where the main goal is to build more audience and promote the Hive community. Aside from that, Splinterlands has also a weekly contest about Social Media Challenge where users are creating content and share it to social media.

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About the author

Mark Laurence Oabel avatar.png

Mark Laurence, also known as Laurenceuuu and anonymous02 is a student who is currently taking a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He is expanding his knowledge and skills by blogging where he mostly writes about digital marketing, productivity, and making money online.

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How to Write and Earn on Hive (Beginner's Guide).png

How to: Write and Earn on Hive (Beginner’s Guide)
Hive is a blockchain-based blogging platform where you can get rewards in a form of cryptocurrency called Hive, Hive power, (HP), and Hive dollar (HBD).

After reading this e-book, you must learn:

  • How to write on Hive?
  • How does the rewards distribution work?
  • How not to get banned on the platform?
  • Recommended communities to join as a beginner.

Get a copy of this e-book: How to: Write and Earn on Hive (Beginner’s Guide) for FREE

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