What Are The 3 Types of SEO and How to Apply This on Hive

How many times have you heard Search Engine Optimization also known as SEO?
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Since SEO is an interesting topic and I want more people to know about this especially people on Hive, I will write a 4-part series about the basics of SEO and how to apply it on Hive.

Basically, this will be the first part of the series where we will talk about the overview and understanding of the concepts in SEO.

3 Types of SEO

SEO is divided into three types:

  1. On-page SEO
  2. Off-page SEO
  3. Technical SEO

For now, these are the basics that you must learn as a beginner if you want to pursue blogging as your business. Many people underestimate SEO and did not aware of it. I was the same, until I built my own website.

What is On-page SEO?

On-page SEO is a kind of SEO that happens on your website. It happens inside your blog like internal and external linking, using keywords, putting meta titles and descriptions, etc.

You can do this on your Hive posts by optimizing your content with On-page SEO. Attaching links to your blog can affect your SEO ranking and few people know about this. It is not only about promoting your old content for the visitors to click them. It is all about helping Google to crawl into your post.
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Read this story here: How I Manage My Finances as a Student

What is Off-page SEO?

You can relate the meaning of off-page SEO to marketing, but the main goal is to build your website's authority, rankings, etc. Basically, off-page SEO refers to the outside activity of promoting your website such as sharing it to social media, building backlinks, and more events that are happening outside your website.

We can use OCD Proof Of SHaring (POSH) as an analogy. For example, if you are sharing your Hive and LeoFinance posts to your Twitter account and your goal is to get traffic and build authority from your post, then you are doing off-page SEO.

What is Technical SEO?

If you will ask me, technical SEO is the most complicated type of SEO on the list. From the word itself, it is more on fixing technical errors on your page such as reducing the use of scripts, size of the image, use of dimensions on your graphics, Google indexing, etc. I find this hard but it always caught my interest and among the three, this is what I am most interested in.
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You will need to have a little knowledge of programming if you want to dig deeper, but I never had an experience in coding and programming while doing SEO because we use CMS such as WordPress which is easy to navigate and not so complicated.

When I learned about this side of SEO, I am always applying it to my blogs. I also optimize my Hive blogs in SEO (somehow) if it is informative like this blog post.

The funny thing is, every time I read posts here, I always check if there is some touch of SEO optimization by the author most especially in the use of graphics and images.

And hey...

I know that it is a bit confusing for you while reading this. But as I said, this will be a 4-part series of mini SEO tutorials. I want you to understand it one by one.

So what are you going to do right now is to wait for the next part. You can drop a comment if you want to be mentioned in the next part.

We will discuss more about each subtopic and dig deeper into it for more understanding.

As I said, SEO is fun. Last time, someone reached out about my previous blog about managing my finances as a student. I asked them where and how they found my article and here is their answer.
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I am not sure if this guy is also on Hive and then he found my post - or maybe my post is somehow getting an impression and clicks because of SEO.

If you are still here and wants to learn how to become an efficient and productive writer, I share weekly blog posts, curation list, and weekly prompt to my email list.

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About the author

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Mark Laurence, also known as Laurenceuuu and anonymous02 is a student who is currently taking a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He is expanding his knowledge and skills by blogging where he mostly writes about digital marketing, productivity, and making money online.

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How to Write and Earn on Hive (Beginner's Guide).png

How to: Write and Earn on Hive (Beginner’s Guide)
Hive is a blockchain-based blogging platform where you can get rewards in a form of cryptocurrency called Hive, Hive power, (HP), and Hive dollar (HBD).

After reading this e-book, you must learn:

  • How to write on Hive?
  • How does the rewards distribution work?
  • How not to get banned on the platform?
  • Recommended communities to join as a beginner.

Get a copy of this e-book: How to: Write and Earn on Hive (Beginner’s Guide) for FREE

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Graphics are made and designed by the author using Canva. All images are mine unless stated otherwise. Page dividers are from TheTerminal.

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