The case for 100x

Last week I had a conversation with some friends who lean towards the communist side of things. I was trying to explain them cryptocurrency from the anti-establishment mindset and we were talking about the economic upside of a crypto based society.

Communism is a pro big-government movement so you can imagine how complicated of a conversation that was, mainly because both thesis - crypto and communism - counter each other: a big side of the crypto world advocates for a self ruling society with little to no government whereas communism (or socialism or any other version) argues that a society where the governing entity holds as much power as possible is beneficial towards everyone as long as said entity stay away from corruption.

But then, when we moved from how society would work, to where the money comes from and how one the pillars of Bitcoin is to redistribute wealth and to flip the status quo by taking economic power and influence from the elites to give it back to the people, one of my friends asked a simple question (understandable question coming from a left leaning person):

So Crypto is like capitalism in the sense that in order to make money you have to have money to invest in any coin and you only get richer when someone gets poorer. It's not like the money is just created from thin air, for you to profit someone else has to lose.

I wasn't going to discuss the fundamentals of capitalism and how this mindset is not correct, but instead decided to take his statement as somewhat true and leave it there. We were having beers and I wasn't trying to sell them into crypto or to redpill them, so I left it there.


But this week I've been doing some thinking - I know, so brave and unique, thinking in a crypto world of degens and FOMOers - about crypto gains and how that statement.

I tried to shake that idea from my mind and then started doing my nightly token and coin research and ran into some Rubic news about getting listed on Kraken.

We all know that any big listing news pumps a coin and if the coin is legit and it is marketed correctly, the volume added will hold the pump into a new support price that will be hard for the coin to drop lower - this is an extremely over-simplification and it is definitely not a rule - so, I went deeper into Rubic.

I honestly thought there weren't legit non DeFi coins (not meme ones like Shib) that could 100x in a matter of one and a half years in these modern times but Rubic proved me wrong. Finding out about coins like Rubic puts a smile on my face even if I wasn't involved in the gains and I didn't make a penny out of it. It puts a smile on my face because it confirms my statement that we are still in the early adoption phase and there is still a lot of profit to be made provided we make the right decisions and do as much research as we can.

100x within the Hive Ecosystem

Back in 2018 I used to be bullish as fuck on Hive thinking that it would hit 100x by 2023. I stacked as much as I could but personal issues decimated my stack and now I own a fifth of my almost 100k Hive stack. It's still a considerable amount but it is not nearly as much as I would want to have.

But I am no longer thinking that Hive will go 100x. Don't worry, this is not FUD, in fact I do believe that Hive is highly underrated (and it still was when we hit the $2.50 mark a few months ago) and it will reach a fair and deserving price in the near future, but the 100x legend is out of reach. One could argue that Hive was at one point 10c and if it pumps to $10 that's a 100xing, but I don't think we'll see that, not because Hive doesn't have the potential, but because there is so much being built around Hive that I believe that the second layer tokens built on top of Hive are the ones that will see the 100x gains and Hive will remain some sort of safe, steadily (but very slowly) rising token.

We now have native tokens on a lot of communities and I know for a fact that many Hivers are bullish as hell on 3speak, Splinterlands, Leo Finance and their native tokens, so much that they are buying tons of these tokens as you read this, investing according to their beliefs that these tokens are the ones that have more potential of 100Xing in the near future.

But all these dapps and communities are only enabled by the Hive Blockchain and the Hive token, and nothing of this ecosystem would thrive if the fundamentals and base layer weren't correct, which is also why I believe Hive will keep rising steadily in price and hopefully, one day, the cryptoverse will realize how undervalued Hive is and then, we will all moon together.

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