Living in haste

This is the first time I am sitting down to write a long form post in a while. I can't help it, it's been harder and harder to write long form posts for me.

Ever since a downvote flurry I received back in hm, I think it was January, it's been hard for me to write daily. I was on a 20+ day streak of writing at least one post per day, but you know what downvotes can do to our psyche.

We are entitled. Everyone is. If anyone says they are not entitled, at all, not a crumb of entitlement, they are lying. It's ok the be entitled to a sane, healthy degree. Entitlement is linked to ego, but it is also linked to self value and knowing what you deserve. When that entitlement gets out of hand is when it gets harmful both to the entitled person and for those around that person.

I am entitled. I'd like to think that I keep that entitlement under control, but I am also human, and whenever something doesn't go down the way I envisioned it to happen, I get upset. The key is to learn that that is how life goes, and we have to work with the results we get and assume that 99% of the time, what we get is what we deserve, and if the outcome of anything that fully depends on us is not what we desired for, then it is our fault, and only our fault.

I'm rambling, maybe it is because I got distracted after finishing the third paragraph. I lost the inspiration, so now I must get it back, otherwise I'm never gonna finish this post and man, I've had this post idea for so long in my head that I am going to pull this through.

The Third world

Today I went to the local mall which is around 5 minutes away from where I live. I moved from living in a town in the outskirts of a main city, to living in the middle of the city. I don't love this, but I still get to keep my quails because the garden is big enough, and the exact place where I live is calm and quiet, something I really like. We moved because our priorities as a family changed.

Anyway, I drove as fast as possible within the limits of safety, because safety first at all times, and I arrived to the mall within 4 minutes. I got to the pick up point to get my new headphones, and I waited for 30 minutes to get my package taken to me. I got back to my house 5 minutes after that. Something that could've taken me 15 minutes, took me 40. I was pissed off, really pissed off.

What's the point of ordering something online and check the pick up in store box if you have to wait 30 minutes to get it, right after you got a confirmation email that the item was ready for you to pick it up?

The third world, man. Apparently people have been impersonating order pick ups, and they had to triple check mi identity in order to give me my headphones. I got impatient and a little bit rude, my bad. It's not their fault, these people are doing their job for a salary that barely keeps them afloat - if anything - and the only reason why they have to be so strict about who gets to pick up which items is because the third world sucks.

Living in haste

Everything I do is measured in money. I know this is a bad mindset, because if you are trying to get rich as fuck and have fuck you money, you are going to have a bad time if you charge by the hour. In order to become a real millionaire you need to have enough money to invest with, or you need to be an entrepreneur. Given my circumstances right now, I can't do neither of those things, and my time equals money. Every hour in my day can be used to make money, and it rightfully does so, unless I'm sleeping or having fam time.

Understandably, I am always in a rush, I am living in haste.

Whatever I do in life, no matter what that is related to, I do it as if I had a deadline, and I have an extremely bad time whenever I feel like I'm wasting time - like sitting in the car, waiting for a dude to bring me my recently bought headphones - and that puts me in an even more extreme bad humor.

I can't help it, I live in haste.

My girlfriend says I always drive timelines to the extreme, which is completely true, I just call it living in a skateboard - maybe @knowhow92 wants me to start posting on SkateHive, but it is completely true: If I have to be somewhere at 2pm, and it is a 10 minute drive. I leave the house 9 minutes before 2pm and I drive fast, just so I can get more stuff done between 1:30 and 1:50, which other people would let go to waste because they'd rather leave the house at 1:30, drive peacefully, enjoy the view, arrive at 1:45, take their time to find the place, find a table or whatever they are going to do, and just do things opposite as I would do them, with haste.

Oh, and I call it living in a skateboard because I imagine that I'm constantly moving at a fast pace, grinding everywhere, doing tons of tricks whenever I can, and whenever I arrive somewhere I arrive skidding, because I don't have time to hit the breaks the normal way. Weird allegory, I guess it works better in spanish. Oh well.

Have you ever watched the movie In time?

Well, it's a fantastic concept for a movie - or a dystopian society - with a poor execution. The acting was good, but the script was not written by someone who understands pacing, telling a story correctly, or setting up the climax for a story. The movie was meh, but the first 30 minutes of the movie are superb. The director and writer sets up the foundations of the story perfectly, but things start to derail once they start to go in-depth with body of the story.

Either way, the concept is great: In a futuristic society where people live forever, time becomes the currency. After you turn 25 years old, you have one more year to live as a population control method, and you either contribute to society and generate income, or you perish. Your time is literal money, and your job's currency is time to live. Earn a minimum wage salary where you earn two hours per hour worked, and you are going to have a bad time, living in debt forever. Control the means of production and you might earn 1000 hours per day, so you basically can live forever.

If you thought living paycheck to paycheck was hard enough, try living hour to hour.

Time is money, and one scene in the whole movie stuck with me, even before I understood many financial and economics concepts that I understand today. This movie was released in the late 00's if I recall correctly. Here's the scene:

You are not from around here, are you? You do everything a little too fast.

Now, that YouTube link (fuck youtube) is for the full movie, if you want to watch it, you won't be wasting your time.

The message here is simple: If you have money, you have time. If you have time, you are not in a rush all the time. He who is in a rush, lacks money.

Pretty funny, I always identified with this scene. I have money now, not a lot, but I do well for myself, and even nowadays I am always...

Living in haste

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