The Importance of digital security in today’s Era! It’s Absolutely Crucial !!!

We all know that Digital Security is extremely essential/important in today's interconnected world. Irrespective, it’s always there at the back of our mind. Yet... !!!


The world we are living in, is being digital transformed to such a level that everything is being controlled managed, supervised with the help and the assistance of latest technology. In the coming times, it will more and more advanced and hence more the risk and vulnerability. The #IOT is one such example!

Despite the fact, no matter, how many times we are told repeatedly, reminded time and again, to keep our #financial #transactions and other #digital #assets safe and secure, we often tend to be lenient in terms of our approach towards keeping it, totally 100% secure!!! Absolutely under secured control and updated from time to time.

There is no doubt, that many of us, out of our sheer ignorance or considering it to be not that important, really… really… unintentionally keep it lingering on and on! Till there is system reminders or you forget your #usernames and or #passwords. Then the hunt for reset starts! All that could have been done/resolved at much ease…is may prove cumbersome! Such a pain!

There is a common saying “to err is human”, but not every time... sometimes the consequences of such lenient approach and casual attitude towards keeping our digital and other financial transactions safe and secured, may become a tough task to handle! Mind you, sometimes, it really does!!!

Generally with compromised passwords, things can be absolutely risky and critical, exposing ourselves, to such vulnerability, can be a dangerous task with absolutely unforeseen circumstances…for sure!

Even minutest vulnerability, exploited in cyberattacks can have devastating consequences; therefore being vigilant is of prime concern.

The awareness being created by #cybersecurity sections and wings #worldover, is literally guiding and advising all of us to stay vigilant and updated all the times!

Digital security is crucial for maintaining operations, for all businesses. Inadvertently, a security breach can:
interrupt services
damage/harm reputation
incur/suffer financial losses

Remember, that cybercriminals are always looking for the weaknesses and lacunae in the system that they literally exploit for their selfish interests.
Therefore be aware of the:

It is always said that “the hunter is on the prowl”. Therefore staying secure and alert is truly important and crucial.

Most importantly, from the consumer and users perspective, any failure/disaster to maintain digital security measures/actions/procedures can tremendously erode trust & lead to significant reputational damage/harm/loss, as well.

Must for: Safety and security of digital wallets:
Remember to enable multi-factor authentication ( #MFA ) for additional security layers

Cybercriminals, constantly seek to exploit “vulnerabilities” in the digital systems for financial gains or #malicious intent. Realistically, Digital Security measures help mitigate these #risks by making it tougher for #hackers to penetrate systems or steal the crucial #data.

Frequently, or at regular intervals, update your “digital wallet” app to patch #vulnerabilities

Always…use strong, unique alphanumeric passwords, starting with minimum 8 characters

It helps, safeguard, sensitive “personal info.” such as “financial details”, “various crucial records & data”, & “identity information” from unauthorised access or #theft.

Remain vigilant of “phishing attempts” never share sensitive info. through email or unknown links!

Utilize/enable #biometric authentication where available! (“fingerprint” “facial recognition” “iris scan”) for enhanced security, to safeguard your own interests.

Always, remember, without fail…”Your security is in your hands”

Thank you!

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