100K SPS Stake Milestone Achieved and this is another Beginning..

Its always a great feeling when we accomplished the goal and I have the same feeling today. I have been chasing this call for quite a long time and now finally the day has arrived when I can see that the milestone has been achieved. I always believe that a goal is important to be in place so that we stay focused and also try different ways to achieve it as early as possible. Sometimes even a bigger achievement opens the door for an even bigger goal and I feel like this is the time for me when I need to think about it once again.


100K SPS Stake Achieved

I have been accumulating all the tokens since the AirDrop distribution started and now finally I have achieved the 100k sps stake. It's not easy to achieve these counts for everyone I believe and to be honest, it was not easy for me. I have been consistent and focused on the goal so that I can make it happen as soon as possible but despite more rigor, it took time. I don't know what other people are thinking about this balance but for me, it was not easy, and more than one and a half years to achieve the number. I have been buying SPS tokens since the price was $0.30 and since then I have been buying continuously to grow my holding. I never thought that the price could be even lower than $0.03 which is available now in the market else I would have waited for some time to buy now.


SPS is Undervalued

we know that this token is undervalued considering the use case and importance in the game ecosystem so investing in this token now can be a great opportunity in the long run. I believe that this token will be much more valuable in the coming years than we can see it now so this is the reason why I am trying to accumulate as many tokens as possible. The current price can be a concern for many people over here but it is not for me because I have been accumulating the balance for the long term and I reiterate that the future seems bright for this governance token in the next couple of years. It is hard to predict what value it would be but I simply expect that it will be much more valuable than it is now.

My future strategy with SPS

First of all, I'm very happy that I have achieved my 100K is take milestone but I would like to mention here that this is not the end for me instead it is a new beginning that I want to continue further. With the current APR which is approx 20%, I expect that I should be able to get more tokens and this can be a good source of passive income.

I will think about my next goal with SPS because I know it is needed so that I can match up my game once the change is implemented. Earlier I was happy that with 100K I should be able to play well when the power was considered in terms of collection power. Now the SPS token is going to be an important component in the game so I still need to buy a bigger chunk and deposit it in the game account to play in a higher league. I already have some nice cards in my account so the only requirement I am left with would be an SPS token in the game. I do not want to limit myself with the holding and because of this reason, I would always prefer to reach with SPS balance where my gameplay should not be restricted by the project.

SPS will be Key with the change

as we are aware that the change has been announced about the SPS and it is highly expected that we are going to have it in the next quarter. With this change, it is even more important to grab more Spears in the account and focus more on the game because this way we will be able to play in the higher leagues. As far as I understand then there is no requirement for the collection power anymore in the game and with the new change, SPS will determine the league we are entitled to play. This sounds good to me and I'm looking forward to seeing the mechanic jam which is under review these days but this should be out shortly,

SPS is my Long term investment

undoubtedly this is one of the tokens that I have been investing in for the long term in My Portfolio. When I say that it is for the long term then for sure it is not less than two years and can be five years or even 10 years depending upon the situation in the market and project. If you are suspecting that the crypto has no future in the country then I think somewhere you are missing the update because India has not banned it yet.

I can see some drop in the APR with SPS in the game account which I think can be because a lot of people are buying the SPS to catch up on the upcoming update, it always happens when the APR is high then more people deposit the funds there with the result as a drop in the APR on the same instrument.

Thank you

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